Update the table so negative values at the top


Board Regular
Dec 11, 2019
Office Version
  1. 2019
  2. 2016
  3. 2013
  1. Windows
Hi All,

I am generating a report which looks like below at the moment :


I am using the below program to generate it:

VBA Code:
Sub generate_report_v_4_test() ' step 7

    Dim LastRow As Long, ctr As Long, fSumRow As Long, lSumRow As Long
    Dim SwapAry As Variant
    Dim SwapAry1 As Variant
    Dim cCel As Range
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .DisplayAlerts = False
    End With
    If SheetExists("Attachment A") Then
        Sheets("Attachment A").Delete
    End If
    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Attachment A"
    With Sheets("Table 4")
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        .Range("A2:AB" & LastRow).copy _
            Destination:=Sheets("Attachment A").Range("A6")
    End With
    'To delete Grand Total
    With Sheets("Attachment A")
       LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
       If .Range("A" & LastRow) = "Grand Total" Then .Rows(LastRow).Delete
    End With
    With Sheets("Attachment A")
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        .Columns("C").EntireColumn.Insert _
        .Range("G" & LastRow).Offset(1).Value = UCase("total")
       ' This loop finds all the BRN and adds a blank between other BRN
        For ctr = LastRow To 5 Step -1
            If .Range("A" & ctr).Value <> .Range("A" & ctr).Offset(-1).Value Then
              If .Range("A" & ctr).Offset(-1).Value <> "" Then
            ' blank condition if offset -1 is blank non numeric then go to end if
                .Range(ctr & ":" & ctr + 1).EntireRow.Insert _
                .Range("G" & ctr).Value = UCase("total")
              ' Else Goto Next ctr
               End If
            End If
        Next ctr
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
       ' MsgBox (LastRow)
        fSumRow = 6
        While lSumRow < LastRow
            lSumRow = .Range("A" & fSumRow).End(xlDown).Row
           ' MsgBox (lSumRow)
            .Range("H" & lSumRow + 1 & ":AE" & lSumRow + 1).Formula = "=SUM(H" & fSumRow & ":H" & lSumRow & ")"
            .Range("G" & lSumRow + 1 & ":AE" & lSumRow + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(240, 240, 240)
            .Range("G" & lSumRow + 1 & ":AE" & lSumRow + 1).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Range("G" & lSumRow + 1 & ":AE" & lSumRow + 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .Range("G" & lSumRow + 1 & ":AE" & lSumRow + 1).WrapText = True
            For ctr = fSumRow To lSumRow
                .Range("AD" & ctr).Formula = "=SUM($H" & ctr & ":$AB" & ctr & ")"
                .Range("AE" & ctr).Formula = "=SUM($H" & ctr & ":$AC" & ctr & ")"
             ' If .Range("AE" & ctr).Value > Range("A" & ctr).Offset(-1).Value Then
            Next ctr

            fSumRow = lSumRow + 3 'condition to bring out of the loop
           ' MsgBox (fSumRow)
    End With
    Call report_aesthetics_1_test
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .DisplayAlerts = True
    End With

End Sub

I would like an additional step :
1. Checks the values in column AE for all rows having the same ID in column A
2. The rows from D to AE will be in ascending order.

so e.g if values in column AE are as per below


Then the program is going to make all rows as per ascending order :


I hope this makes sense.


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Well, a quick query is ... for this:
1. Checks the values in column AE for all rows having the same ID in column A

... you seem to have merged parts of column A already, so how is this supposed to work?
Upvote 0
I am able to apply the logic before the merge happens in column A .

I am unsure what logic can be used.
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Hard to test without having the data/formulas etc but I think you should be able to add something like this at the end & it shouldn't matter that column A is already merged.
I am assuming ..
- Column AE contains formulas
- Column AE has nothing in the 'TOTAL' rows & the rows below (eg rows 11 & 12, 20 & 21, ..)

Make sure you test in a copy of the worksheet. :)

VBA Code:
Dim rA As Range

For Each rA In Range("AE7", Range("AE" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlFormulas).Areas
  Intersect(rA.EntireRow, Columns("F:AE")).Sort Key1:=rA.Cells(1), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
Next rA

Edit: Reading again, you may need to change that 'Intersect' part to start at column D, not F? (I started at F since that seemed to be the first column with any data after the merged cells columns)
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Replace your ctr loop with this:

        ' start
        EndofBlock = LastRow
       ' This loop finds all the BRN and adds a blank between other BRN
        For ctr = LastRow To 5 Step -1
            If .Range("A" & ctr).Value <> .Range("A" & ctr).Offset(-1).Value Then
              If .Range("A" & ctr).Offset(-1).Value <> "" Then
                    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
                        "AE" & ctr & ":AE" & EndofBlock), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
                    With .Sort
                        .SetRange Range("A" & ctr & ":AE" & EndofBlock)
                        .Header = xlGuess
                        .MatchCase = False
                        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
                        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
                    End With
                    EndofBlock = ctr - 1
            ' blank condition if offset -1 is blank non numeric then go to end if
                .Range(ctr & ":" & ctr + 1).EntireRow.Insert _
                .Range("G" & ctr).Value = UCase("total")
              ' Else Goto Next ctr
               End If
            End If
        Next ctr
        .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
            "AE6:AE" & EndofBlock), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
        With .Sort
            .SetRange Range("A6:AE" & EndofBlock)
            .Header = xlGuess
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
Upvote 0
Thanks Glen and Peter for your help previously.

I had to amend my previous code as it was not populating correctly. The new code is as per below are you able to advise how I can sort the positive values to the top and negatives at the bottom
VBA Code:
Sub generate_reportA_1() ' Generates report with all entries

Dim IDtag As String
Dim IDdesc As String
Dim LastRowNo As Long
Dim StartIDRow As Long
Dim LastIDRow As Long
Dim IDloop As Long
Dim CurrentTag As String
Dim ID20Years
Dim ID20YearsTot
Dim LbID20Years As Long
Dim UbID20Years As Long
Dim ReportRow As Long

IDtag = ""
IDdesc = ""
StartIDRow = 2
LastIDRow = 0
'Calculate the number of rows in Table 2
LastRowNo = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

If SheetExists("Attachment A") Then
        Sheets("Attachment A").Delete
    End If
    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Attachment A"
'Check if there is data in table 2
If LastRowNo < 2 Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, could not find data", vbCritical, ThisWorkbook.Name
    Exit Sub
    If Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range("A2").Value <> "" Then
        IDtag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range("A2").Value
        CurrentTag = IDtag
        IDdesc = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range("B2").Value
        MsgBox "Sorry, no data", vbCritical, ThisWorkbook.Name
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

ReportRow = 6

'write first line
IDtag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 1).Value
'MsgBox (IDtag)
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 1).Value = IDtag
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 1).Font.Bold = True
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 2).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 2).Value
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 2).Font.Bold = True
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 4).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 4).Value
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 5).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 3).Value
Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 6).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 5).Value
ID20Years = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range(Cells(StartIDRow, 6).Address, Cells(StartIDRow, 29).Address).Value
Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Value = ID20Years
ID20YearsTot = ID20Years
LbID20Years = LBound(ID20Years, 2)
UbID20Years = UBound(ID20Years, 2)

'MsgBox (LbID20Years)
'MsgBox (UbID20Years)
'Set for next read
StartIDRow = StartIDRow + 1
CurrentTag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 1).Value
ReportRow = ReportRow + 1

Do While StartIDRow <= LastRowNo

    Do While IDtag = CurrentTag
        Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 5).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 3).Value
        Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 4).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 4).Value
        Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 6).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 5).Value
        ID20Years = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range(Cells(StartIDRow, 6).Address, Cells(StartIDRow, 29).Address).Value
        'add to total
        For IDloop = LbID20Years To UbID20Years
            ID20YearsTot(1, IDloop) = ID20YearsTot(1, IDloop) + ID20Years(1, IDloop)
        Next IDloop
        Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Value = ID20Years
        StartIDRow = StartIDRow + 1
        CurrentTag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 1).Value
        ReportRow = ReportRow + 1
    'Finish putting BRN rows and add the total line
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 6).Address).Value = "TOTAL"
     Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 6).Address).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Value = ID20YearsTot
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description
    ReportRow = ReportRow + 1
    'Next BRN
    'write first line
'    StartIDRow = StartIDRow + 1
    ReportRow = ReportRow + 1
    IDtag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 1).Value
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 1).Value = IDtag
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 1).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description
    'MsgBox (IDtag)
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 2).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 2).Value
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 2).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 5).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 3).Value
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 4).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 4).Value
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(ReportRow, 6).Value = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 5).Value
    ID20Years = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Range(Cells(StartIDRow, 6).Address, Cells(StartIDRow, 29).Address).Value
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Value = ID20Years
    ID20YearsTot = ID20Years
    LbID20Years = LBound(ID20Years, 2)
    UbID20Years = UBound(ID20Years, 2)
    'Set for next read
    StartIDRow = StartIDRow + 1
    CurrentTag = Worksheets("All Entries Raw").Cells(StartIDRow, 1).Value
    ReportRow = ReportRow + 1
''Simon added as workaround ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 6).Address).Value = "TOTAL"
     Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 6).Address).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Value = ID20YearsTot
    Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(ReportRow, 7).Address, Cells(ReportRow, 30).Address).Font.Bold = True ' Font should be bold for BRN and BRN description

Call sum_two_columns
'change -values to ()

Call report_aesthetics_1_test

LastRowNo1 = Worksheets("Attachment A").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets("Attachment A").Range(Cells(2, 7).Address, Cells(LastRowNo1, 30).Address).NumberFormat = "#,##0 ;(#,##0); -"

End Sub
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Does your sheet still look like that image in post #1?
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