Updating Code1


Well-known Member
Sep 29, 2003
Hello, how do I update the following code:

This one only delete the Yellow Combos when 2 number within the combos are the same and not all different:
example: 006, 606 [DELETE], 312 [NO ACTION]
Sub DeleteYellowCombos()
 For i = 5 To 804
  If Cells(i, "C") <> Cells(i, "D") And Cells(i, "C") <> Cells(i, "E") And Cells(i, "D") <> Cells(i, "E") Then
    If Abs(Cells(i, "C").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) + Abs(Cells(i, "D").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) + Abs(Cells(i, "E").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) > 1 Then
      Cells(i, "C").Resize(, 3).ClearContents
    End If
  End If
 Next i
End Sub

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Sub Sample()
Dim r As Range, ff As String
Application.FindFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Set r = Columns("c").Find("",seachformat:=True)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
     ff = r.Address
          If (r.Value <> r.Offset(,1).Value) * (r.Value <> r.Offset(,2).Value) * _
             (r.Offset(,1).Value <> r.Offset(,2).Value) Then
          End If
     Set r = Columns("c").Find("",r,searchformat:=True)
      Loop Until ff = r.Address
End If
End Sub
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Named argument not found, error for the following line in the code:
Set r = Columns("c").Find("", seachformat:=True)
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Sub Sample()
Dim r As Range, ff As String
Application.FindFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Set r = Columns("c").Find(What:="",LookAt:=xlwhole,SeachFormat:=True)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
     ff = r.Address
          If (r.Value <> r.Offset(,1).Value) * (r.Value <> r.Offset(,2).Value) * _
             (r.Offset(,1).Value <> r.Offset(,2).Value) Then
          End If
     Set r = Columns("c").Find(What:="",After:=r,LookAt:=xlWhole,SearchFormat:=True)
      Loop Until ff = r.Address
End If
End Sub
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Jindon, I get the same error for:
Set r = Columns("c").Find(What:="", LookAt:=xlWhole, SeachFormat:=True)
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Hello, how do I update the following code:

This one only delete the Yellow Combos when 2 number within the combos are the same and not all different:
example: 006, 606 [DELETE], 312 [NO ACTION]
Sub DeleteYellowCombos()
 For i = 5 To 804
  If Cells(i, "C") <> Cells(i, "D") And Cells(i, "C") <> Cells(i, "E") And Cells(i, "D") <> Cells(i, "E") Then
    If Abs(Cells(i, "C").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) + Abs(Cells(i, "D").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) + Abs(Cells(i, "E").Interior.ColorIndex = 6) > 1 Then
      Cells(i, "C").Resize(, 3).ClearContents
    End If
  End If
 Next i
End Sub
BTW, how do you want to update this code?
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The original code delete all combos in the range with yellow background that have all different values like 123, 456, 789, now I do not want it to delete all different values, I want it to delete values that have 2 or 3 numbers within the combination which are the same, like 113, 338, 455

Also, only 2 of the 3 numbers in the combo will have a yellow background.
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