Use vba to insert website hyperlink to email body


Board Regular
Jul 24, 2009
Hi guys,

This sounded so simple when I thought about doing it, but I cannot find the answer anywhere.

I have a macro in an excel 2007 workbook, i have a macro which takes data from various worksheets within the workbook and contructs emails (outlook 2007) automatically. Everything works great except:-

at the bottom of my message body, i want to add a hyperlink to our website, but it appears on the email as plain text, not a hyperlink. Outlook is set up to send emails as HTML.

The body of the email is constructed using srting variables so the macro code for the email body loos something like this,

dim strBody as string, strWeb as hyperlink

strWeb = ""
strBody = "blah blah blah" & "<br>" & "Regards," & "<br>" & strWeb

Anybody have any idea, how i should format the hyperlink so it shows up on the email as a usable active hyperlink?

Any help much appreciated.

Excel Facts

Add Bullets to Range
Select range. Press Ctrl+1. On Number tab, choose Custom. Type Alt+7 then space then @ sign (using 7 on numeric keypad)
You need to use the HTMLBody property for the message body and set it to the required HTML code for your link etc.

I can't seem to be able to post an example, the board software seems to be parsing the HTML.
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Hi Norie,

Thanks for the reply, I tried using HTMLBody attribute as shown below but I get a syntax error. Any idea's why? I have tried encapsulating everything in " marks but still no joy.

'With OutMail
' .To = addtemp
' .CC = cctemp
' .BCC = bcctemp
' .Subject = subtemp
' .HTMLBody = Google

' .Display
'End With

Many thanks,
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As you can see the board has parsed what you posted and is showing the link not the code.

I can only guess that the syntax error is something to do with quotes.

I think you need quotes around the URL when creating a link in HTML.

I know there is a way to post HTML code but I've just forgotten it.:eek:
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