Hi all,
Just wondering if anybody can help. I'm currently working on a project which involves filling in a user form which will then transfer the data in-putted onto a worksheet.
At some point each entry will need to be updated, which again is done through the user form. You will input your reference number, it will automatically populate the user form with the details you have previously submitted, you then change the necessary fields, press update and the worksheet will update itself.
The only problem I am having is that after bringing up an auto populated form, when I press submit it will submit as a completely new entry, rather than over riding the cells I need it to with new data and I can't figure out how to get around it.
The code I am using at the moment is
I'm not sure if that makes perfect sense, but any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Just wondering if anybody can help. I'm currently working on a project which involves filling in a user form which will then transfer the data in-putted onto a worksheet.
At some point each entry will need to be updated, which again is done through the user form. You will input your reference number, it will automatically populate the user form with the details you have previously submitted, you then change the necessary fields, press update and the worksheet will update itself.
The only problem I am having is that after bringing up an auto populated form, when I press submit it will submit as a completely new entry, rather than over riding the cells I need it to with new data and I can't figure out how to get around it.
The code I am using at the moment is
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
'Count for next available row on main log sheet
If (lblStts.Caption = "Adding") Then
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Log Sheet")
Dim Count As String
Count = "1234"
counter = 8
Do While Count = "1234"
If ws.Cells(counter, 2).Value <> "" Then counter = counter + 1
If ws.Cells(counter, 2).Value = "" Then Count = "Infinity"
'Input form values into following location
ws.Cells(counter, 2).Value = txtTitle.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 3).Value = cmbType.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 4).Value = txtDate.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 5).Value = txtReqBy.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 6).Value = txtReqFor.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 7).Value = Environ("USERNAME")
ws.Cells(counter, 8).Value = Format(Now)
ws.Cells(counter, 9).Value = ("SDR" & counter - 7)
ws.Cells(counter, 10).Value = txtDetails.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 11).Value = txtDue.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 12).Value = txtUpdate.Value
ws.Cells(counter, 13).Value = cmbStatus.Value
If cmbStatus.Value = "Closed" Then
ws.Cells(counter, 14).Value = Environ("USERNAME")
ws.Cells(counter, 15).Value = Format(Now)
End If
MsgBox ("Your entry has been submitted - Your ticket number: SDR" & counter - 7)
ElseIf (lblStts.Caption = "Updating") Then
Range("'Log Sheet'!B" & updaterow) = txtTitle.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!C" & updaterow) = cmbType.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!D" & updaterow) = txtDate.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!E" & updaterow) = txtReqBy.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!F" & updaterow) = txtReqFor.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!G" & updaterow) = Environ("USERNAME")
Range("'Log Sheet'!I" & updaterow) = ("SDR" & counter - 7)
Range("'Log Sheet'!J" & updaterow) = txtDetails.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!K" & updaterow) = txtDue.Value
Range("'Log Sheet'!L" & updaterow) = Environ("USERNAME")
If cmbStatus.Value = "Closed" Then
ws.Cells(counter, 14).Value = Environ("USERNAME")
ws.Cells(counter, 15).Value = Format(Now)
End If
MsgBox ("Something went wrong")
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
'Clear and cancel entry
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Many thanks,