I'm so close to finishing this project....*whew!*. Here's the last thing:
At the closeout of the book, there is an auto-save that occurs. Unfortunately, the file is rather large and is being saved to a public server, so savetime averages about a minute or so. I need a Userform to pop up and show %complete of save, so that other people using this will not just shut down the Application, thinking it is hung (many of them won't really know to look down at the status bar, you know? :wink: ).
Is there a way to possibly tap into Excel's Status bar, and get the percent saved from it? I know that while saving, it shows a little bar that fills up as the save completes. It would be handy to be able to read this value in real-time, and allow a Userform/status bar to read it ~during~ the save.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
- Thomas
At the closeout of the book, there is an auto-save that occurs. Unfortunately, the file is rather large and is being saved to a public server, so savetime averages about a minute or so. I need a Userform to pop up and show %complete of save, so that other people using this will not just shut down the Application, thinking it is hung (many of them won't really know to look down at the status bar, you know? :wink: ).
Is there a way to possibly tap into Excel's Status bar, and get the percent saved from it? I know that while saving, it shows a little bar that fills up as the save completes. It would be handy to be able to read this value in real-time, and allow a Userform/status bar to read it ~during~ the save.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
- Thomas