Userform textbox formatting


Board Regular
Aug 28, 2002
I am using a textbox on a userform to update a cell in a spreadsheet, & having some trouble with the formatting.

On the spreadsheet the cell with the control source is formatted as a time (e.g.08:00 am) while the textbox on the userform displays 0.33333.

On the userform, I can type in a formatted date such as 09:00 into the text box & this updates the spreadsheet correctly, but it's not a good look !

Any advice on how to format the textbox on the userform to show the time as 08:00 am would be appreciated.


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I haven't worked as much with time, but I have solved my formatting problems by loading with the format

eg. TextBox = Format(Range("A1"),"0.00%")

Hope that helps
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Thanks F.T. but it doesn't seem to work.

I'm getting the control source cell position from a selected row in a text box, & then setting the control source by:

Tstart.ControlSource = "d" & Slist.ListIndex + 2

When I tried your suggested method to format Tstart, the control Tstart appeared correctly as 08:00 am in the text box on the form, but when I overtyped it with a new time value, the original cell in the worksheet was not updated.

Thanks anyway. Any other ideas ??
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Sounds like you are missing the command to update the sheet after the form is updated.
(Again, at this point, I have had to use the "format" equation, such as
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Thanks for your help F.T.

I added a BeforeUpdate sub with the "reverse formatting" you suggested and it now seems to be working fine.

[A complicated way to solve what appeared to be a simple formatting exercise !!!]
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