Using a sub created in module1 in different modules


New Member
Dec 5, 2005
I created a sub in one module with the following code:

Public Sub lastrow(start As Integer, col As Integer, last As Integer)
i = start
i = i + 1
currentcell = Cells(i, col)
Loop Until IsEmpty(currentcell)
last = i - 1
End Sub

When I call the sub in the current module using the code -
Call lastrow (5, 1, lcr)
it works fine and i create a variable lcr with an integer value. However, when I open another module and run the same code I get an error message "Ambiguous name detected: lastrow"

Any suggestions?

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This is not my area of expertise

but let me give it a bump while taking my best shot at the answer:

It sounds like the name "lastRow" is in more than one place. You didn't paste the Sub in the second module did you? Or have a variable named "lastRow"?

I'm self-taught; so, I don't know the formalities of a lot of stuff, but I know that I can call subs in a module from another module. So, I read your error message to indicate that you have 2 different "lastRows" in your project. You can use Edit\Find in the VBA Editor to look for all occs. of "lastRow" and see if I'm right or not.

Maybe that helps, my best shot from what you said. Bump.
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If you do not have the general declaration of "Option Explicit" you will be able to use the same variable name in multiple modules.

BK is right, the only way to get this error is if you had last row declared in a concurrently executing subroutine.
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