Hi guys
Is it possible to use a variable derived from one macro in another macro ?
eg If in macro1 below I put in 5 when asked, could I then get it to automatically run macro2 and give the answer of 6
sub Macro1
myvar = inputbox ("enter a number bewteen 1 and 10")
end sub
sub macro2
myanswer = myvar +1
msgbox myanswer
end sub
Is it possible to use a variable derived from one macro in another macro ?
eg If in macro1 below I put in 5 when asked, could I then get it to automatically run macro2 and give the answer of 6
sub Macro1
myvar = inputbox ("enter a number bewteen 1 and 10")
end sub
sub macro2
myanswer = myvar +1
msgbox myanswer
end sub