Board Regular
- Joined
- Jul 6, 2006
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Lo Folks
It's been a while since I looked at this database (a few years). The database was written a while ago using Access version 2003, obviously now we've had to upgrade to 2010 and I thought we had managed it with very few problems. But this one has me a little stuck.
Getting a run-time error "Runtime error -2147352567 (80020009): Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" on a form which you click on a list box to select a record. This code has worked for years (so I believed, just been told by a user that it's always been flaky ..... they've only been using it for about 4 years), but obviously something about it is upsetting Access 2010. Hoping some-one can tell me what changed even better if you can tell me how to get this working again.
Since discovered that sometimes you can change the selected record 3 or 4 times before this gives an error. The same form is used to add in new records and the new records are going in fine.
I have already posted this in another forum (http://www.utteraccess.com/forum/Written-V2003-Error-20-t1973610.html)
I know it isn't the references
Any help you can give or suggestions you might have will be appreciated.
It's been a while since I looked at this database (a few years). The database was written a while ago using Access version 2003, obviously now we've had to upgrade to 2010 and I thought we had managed it with very few problems. But this one has me a little stuck.
Getting a run-time error "Runtime error -2147352567 (80020009): Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" on a form which you click on a list box to select a record. This code has worked for years (so I believed, just been told by a user that it's always been flaky ..... they've only been using it for about 4 years), but obviously something about it is upsetting Access 2010. Hoping some-one can tell me what changed even better if you can tell me how to get this working again.
Since discovered that sometimes you can change the selected record 3 or 4 times before this gives an error. The same form is used to add in new records and the new records are going in fine.
I have already posted this in another forum (http://www.utteraccess.com/forum/Written-V2003-Error-20-t1973610.html)
I know it isn't the references
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim CurRcrds As Recordset
Dim AllowInsert As Integer
Dim Ans
If Me.NewRecord Then
If IsDate([CST_Date]) And ([CST_Name] <> 0) And ([CST_Phase] <> 0) Then
' AllowInsert = ChkDuplicateHours([CST_Date], [CST_Name], [CST_Phase])
AllowInsert = 0
AllowInsert = 1
End If
[CST_Maker] = "App:" & Access_LogApp & " // PC:" & Access_LogPC
End If
'**************Error here****************************************************
[CST_Modified] = Now()
[CST_Modder] = "App:" & Access_LogApp & " // PC:" & Access_LogPC
'**************Error here****************************************************
If AllowInsert = 0 Then
Set CurRcrds = Me.Recordset
If IsDate([CST_Date]) Then
CST_DayFor = CST_Date
If Weekday([CST_Date]) <> vbSunday Then
MsgBox "Date is not valid, This date must be a Sunday", vbCritical, "Date not valid"
Cancel = True
Ans = MsgBox("Do you want to save this Record ? ", vbYesNo, "Save Weekly Hours Record")
If Ans = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
Ans = MsgBox("Do you want to undo changes to this Record ? ", vbYesNo, _
"Undo changes to Weekly Hours Record")
If Ans = vbYes Then
End If
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
If CurRcrds!CST_Name <> CST_Name Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Name", "Modified {" & GetField("Eng_Employee", _
"Emp_ID", CurRcrds!CST_Name, "Emp_Surname") & ", " & GetField("Eng_Employee", "Emp_ID", _
CurRcrds!CST_Name, "Emp_Forename") & "} - {" & CST_Name.Column(1, CST_Name.ListIndex) _
& "}", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Name, CST_Name
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Phase <> CST_Phase Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Phase", "Modified {" & GetField("Eng_Phase", _
"Phs_Auto", CurRcrds!CST_Phase, "Phs_MainPrj") & " / " & GetField("Eng_Phase", "Phs_Auto", _
CurRcrds!CST_Phase, "Phs_ID") & "} - {" & CST_Phase.Column(1, CST_Phase.ListIndex) _
& "}", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Phase, CST_Phase.Column(1, CST_Phase.ListIndex)
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Grade <> CST_Grade Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Grade", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Grade, CST_Grade
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Date <> CST_Date Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Date", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Date, CST_Date
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Norm_H <> CST_Norm_H Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Norm_H", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Norm_H, CST_Norm_H
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_OT_H <> CST_OT_H Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_OT_H", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_OT_H, CST_OT_H
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_OTX_H <> CST_OTX_H Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_OTX_H", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_OTX_H, CST_OTX_H
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_EventID <> CST_EventID Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_EventID", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_EventID, CST_EventID
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_DayFor <> CST_DayFor Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_DayFor", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_DayFor, CST_DayFor
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_OverHead <> CST_OverHead Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_OverHead", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_OverHead, CST_OverHead
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Ref_1 <> CST_Ref_1 Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Ref_1", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Ref_1, CST_Ref_1
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Ref_2 <> CST_Ref_2 Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Ref_2", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Ref_2, CST_Ref_2
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Ref_3 <> CST_Ref_3 Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Ref_3", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Ref_3, CST_Ref_3
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Comment <> CST_Comment Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Comment", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Comment, CST_Comment
End If
If CurRcrds!CST_Group <> CST_Group Then
SaveChanges "Eng_Costing", "CST_Group", "Modified", ID, CurRcrds!CST_Group, CST_Group
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox "This Employee already has a record for this date and Project/Phase. Record ID #" & AllowInsert, _
vbCritical, "Duplicate Record"
Cancel = True
End If
If Cancel <> True Then
TglBtnFilter.Value = 0 'turn off filter
End If
End Sub
Any help you can give or suggestions you might have will be appreciated.