Any of you experts sort this out, I am new, only a week into VBA..
Trying to find the first and last row of the same data in a column. Could be enetered 30times, format is E1100-147.
Get type mismatch.. guess its the CLng but cannot sort this out...
Please help if you can..
sub OD_entry()
Colop = Colop + 6
Dim Lot reponse As Variant
Dim restart As Variant
Dim resfin As Variant
LotResponse = Application.InputBox("lot number", "Enter lot number For OD data", "0", Loc_qty_x, Loc_qty, "", , 1 + 2)
restart = Application.Match(CLng(LotResponse), Worksheets("PRE_ANNEALED").Range("A:A"), 0)
resfin = Application.Match(CLng(LotResponse), Worksheets("PRE_ANNEALED").Range("A:A"), 1)
Trying to find the first and last row of the same data in a column. Could be enetered 30times, format is E1100-147.
Get type mismatch.. guess its the CLng but cannot sort this out...
Please help if you can..
sub OD_entry()
Colop = Colop + 6
Dim Lot reponse As Variant
Dim restart As Variant
Dim resfin As Variant
LotResponse = Application.InputBox("lot number", "Enter lot number For OD data", "0", Loc_qty_x, Loc_qty, "", , 1 + 2)
restart = Application.Match(CLng(LotResponse), Worksheets("PRE_ANNEALED").Range("A:A"), 0)
resfin = Application.Match(CLng(LotResponse), Worksheets("PRE_ANNEALED").Range("A:A"), 1)