New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Hi - I think these are the functions I need!

I have a list of names in sheet1 column A, some of which appear more than once. In column B I have a version number. I want to create a formula on another sheet that looks for a specific name, matches it on the other sheet and then finds the highest version number for that particular name.

PS the names are not sorted alphabetically so I can't use any Vlookups.


Col A Col B
Apple 1
Pear 1
Orange 1
Apple 2
Banana 1


ColA Col B (Latest version number)
Apple 2
Pear 1
Orange 1
Banana 1

Any help much appreciated


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Kris's formula will give you the last of multiple records but if your version number isn't sorted then you'll get incorrect results.

I didn't spend much time on this but maybe the following array formula will work for unsorted version numbers....


remember to cntrl-shift-enter the formula
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Yes I have just found this out!

Thanks Kris this seems to work great regardless of sorting any columns etc.
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Or simply...


...confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Hope this helps!
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Thanks both seem to work, however when I posted this thread I ideally wanted an index match so I could then drag the formula across so the next value in Col C could also be displayed.

If I adapt the current formulas, it evaluates each column for the highest value which is not what I need.

Imagine a Col C with a £ value in it, I would need to pick up this value once I've established the latest version.

Hope this makes sense!
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Delete the last reply! I've done a concatenation of name & version then indexed matched off this.

Many Thanks all
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