Using variables in a vba formula


Board Regular
Nov 16, 2005
Hi I was given this formula on this board by a very kind person yesterday, it works perfectly when intorduced straight into the spreadsheet, however I want this formula to be added to a cell when a macro is run, this is easily achieved but I cannot find a way to substitute the row values in this formula to variables, does anybody know what syntax I need? thank you.

Basically I want to change this:


Into a working version of something like this:

For z = 6 To LastCol

Cells(X3, z).Formula = "=IF(FX2<>GX2,SUMIf($F$X2:FX2,FX2,$F$X1:FX1),"")"

Next z

Where X3 is the cell into which the formula goes, X2 and X1 are variables of row number.


Excel Facts

Formula for Yesterday
Name Manager, New Name. Yesterday =TODAY()-1. OK. Then, use =YESTERDAY in any cell. Tomorrow could be =TODAY()+1.
Do you mean something like this?

myFormula= "=IF(B" & var2 & "<>C" & var2 & ",SUMIF($B$" & row2 & ":B" & var2 & ",B" & var2 & ",$B$"& var1 & ":B" & var1 & "),"""""")"
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Something like:
Dim sFormula As String
Dim Var1 As Long, Var2 As Long
Var1 = 1
Var2 = 2
sFormula = "=IF(B" & Var2 & "<>C" & Var2 & _
           ",SUMIF($B$" & Var2 & ":B" & Var2 & ",B" & _
           Var2 & ",$B$" & Var1 & ":B" & Var1 & ")," & _
           Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
Selection.Formula = sFormula
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Thank you both for a quick reply, both look great and should work, I've been a little bit daft and realise that the columns should also be variables, I will try to correct this using your sample syntax, thanks a bunch for your help, cheers both.
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The new formula compiles, however I'm getting an object-defined error on:

Cells(X3, z).Formula = sFormula

any ideas?

I have also noticed my new formula is inputting the col variable as an integer rather than a char even though it is declared as long, any suggestions here? thanks again for your help.
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Hi, They are both declared as integers and both have values assigned (Values are displayed on mouse over), cheers, have the col values set to string, formula looking good, just can't assign it to these cells for some reason?

could it be to do with the loop?
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For z = 6 To LastCol

'change column values to letters
If z > 26 Then
ColumnLetter = Chr(Int((z - 1) / 26) + 64) & _
Chr(((z - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
ColumnLetter = Chr(z + 64)
End If

z1 = z + 1

If z1 > 26 Then

ColumnLetter2 = Chr(Int((z1 - 1) / 26) + 64) & _
Chr(((z1 - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
ColumnLetter2 = Chr(z1 + 64)
End If

a = ColumnLetter
a1 = ColumnLetter2

sFormula = "=IF(" & a & "" & X2 & "<>" & a1 & "" & X2 & ",SUMIF($" & a & "$" & X2 & ":" & a & "" & X2 & "," & a & "" & X2 & ",$" & a & "$" & X1 & ":" & a & "" & X1 & "),"""""")"

Cells(X3, z).Formula = sFormula

Next z

Also tried Cells(X3, a).Formula = sFormula - No Luck :confused:
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Just tried this, seems to work ok:
Sub qqq()
Dim sFormula As String
Dim Var1 As Long, Var2 As Long
Var1 = 1
Var2 = 2
sFormula = "=IF(B" & Var2 & "<>C" & Var2 & _
           ",SUMIF($B$" & Var2 & ":B" & Var2 & ",B" & _
           Var2 & ",$B$" & Var1 & ":B" & Var1 & ")," & _
           Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
Cells(2, 5).Formula = sFormula
End Sub

Can you post your code?
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Why are you changing the column number to a letter when the Cells statement happily acceptds a number for the column?
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