Hi All,
I am having a very small problem but i am unable to solve it since morning, i have used a variable I and assigned a value 2, unfortunately after each iteration the value of I increased with 2 instead of 1
when i check the formula in msgbox it shows the correct syntex, but when vba copy the formula in worksheet, the value of I becomes 2,4,6,8.........
Any idea what went wrong??
I am having a very small problem but i am unable to solve it since morning, i have used a variable I and assigned a value 2, unfortunately after each iteration the value of I increased with 2 instead of 1
Private Sub AddColumns()
Set WS = Sheets("DATA")
I = 0
With WS
.Range("Y1").Value = "Deal Completed This Month"
.Range("Z1").Value = "Opportunities Persued This Month"
.Range("AA1").Value = "Opportunities Persued This Year"
.Range("AB1").Value = "Inactive"
.Range("AC1").Value = "Close Date Category"
LR = .Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
For I = 1 To LR
Range("Y" & I).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(IF(R[" & I & "]C[-15]="""",R[" & I & "]C[-6],R[" & I & "]C[-15])<MASTER!RC[-23],0,1)"< p>
MsgBox "=IF(IF(R[" & I & "]C[-15]="""",R[" & I & "]C[-6],R[" & I & "]C[-15])<MASTER!RC[-23],0,1)"< p>
End With
End Sub
when i check the formula in msgbox it shows the correct syntex, but when vba copy the formula in worksheet, the value of I becomes 2,4,6,8.........
Any idea what went wrong??