I have been stuck on this problem for a while now and can't figure out a way to solve it and desperately need some help from the group.
I don't have permission to post an attachement of my file so I will try to explain my issue as best I can. I have posed the question before but only asked about the indirect solution and now I'm hoping for some other ideas since I can't get that to work.
I have a workbook with the following tabs
Forecast Collection 2011
Forecast Collection 2012
Forecast Collection 2013
Forecast Collection 2014
For example the data entered on tab "2011" will be pulled into tab "Forecast Collection 2011" which is then pulled into the Summary tab.
I currently have formulas in all of the sheets to update the years in all of the formulas when the current year changes from 2010 to 2011, etc. on the summary tab and a macro that changes the sheet names to the correct new years.
My problem is how do I update the following formula to pull data from the correct sheet and keep the formula relative so that if a line is added in sheet 2011, then sheet Forecast 2011's formulas will adjust to that new address.
Original formula:
This also worked
Except for when a new line is added to sheet 2011. then all of the formulas get screwed up.
what's the best way to pull the data into the speadsheet with a cell address that has a sheet name that can change but can't use abosolute references?
I also tried maybe using index and Match but I can't get the syntax right.
Help..... I am losing my mind.
I don't have permission to post an attachement of my file so I will try to explain my issue as best I can. I have posed the question before but only asked about the indirect solution and now I'm hoping for some other ideas since I can't get that to work.
I have a workbook with the following tabs
Forecast Collection 2011
Forecast Collection 2012
Forecast Collection 2013
Forecast Collection 2014
For example the data entered on tab "2011" will be pulled into tab "Forecast Collection 2011" which is then pulled into the Summary tab.
I currently have formulas in all of the sheets to update the years in all of the formulas when the current year changes from 2010 to 2011, etc. on the summary tab and a macro that changes the sheet names to the correct new years.
My problem is how do I update the following formula to pull data from the correct sheet and keep the formula relative so that if a line is added in sheet 2011, then sheet Forecast 2011's formulas will adjust to that new address.
Original formula:
This also worked
Except for when a new line is added to sheet 2011. then all of the formulas get screwed up.
what's the best way to pull the data into the speadsheet with a cell address that has a sheet name that can change but can't use abosolute references?
I also tried maybe using index and Match but I can't get the syntax right.
Help..... I am losing my mind.