i am pulling data from a sql server and putting it in a spreadsheet after i do that i want to protect that specific cell.
here is an example of my code
oGLBLRS.Open strSql2, oConn, adOpenDynamic
oWS.Cells(intDestRow, 1) = oRS("GLAcct")
oWS.Cells(intDestRow, 2) = oRS("GLDescription")
after the data is in the cell i want to protect it.
any help would be appreciated
here is an example of my code
oGLBLRS.Open strSql2, oConn, adOpenDynamic
oWS.Cells(intDestRow, 1) = oRS("GLAcct")
oWS.Cells(intDestRow, 2) = oRS("GLDescription")
after the data is in the cell i want to protect it.
any help would be appreciated