Hello all.
Someone provided me some code that allowed me to take a text file and make some of the lines align side by side.
Here is my dilemna. I am only want to do this for the first two lines and then everything else is fine.
Here is a snapshot of the text file lines:
Alternate Account: 100/0000000123456789
Charlie Sheen
I would like to bring Charlie Sheen up next to the account number.
Here is the code that I am using that works, but I get an error message. Any thoughts on how I can perform this function w/o the error message (Run-time error '62' - Input Past End of File):
' get first line
Line Input #FH, strLineIn
strLineOut = strLineIn
' get second line
Line Input #FH, strLineIn
strLineOut = strLineOut & " " & strLineIn
Print #FH2, strLineOut
Loop Until EOF(FH)
Someone provided me some code that allowed me to take a text file and make some of the lines align side by side.
Here is my dilemna. I am only want to do this for the first two lines and then everything else is fine.
Here is a snapshot of the text file lines:
Alternate Account: 100/0000000123456789
Charlie Sheen
I would like to bring Charlie Sheen up next to the account number.
Here is the code that I am using that works, but I get an error message. Any thoughts on how I can perform this function w/o the error message (Run-time error '62' - Input Past End of File):
' get first line
Line Input #FH, strLineIn
strLineOut = strLineIn
' get second line
Line Input #FH, strLineIn
strLineOut = strLineOut & " " & strLineIn
Print #FH2, strLineOut
Loop Until EOF(FH)