Hello Folks, I hope you are doing well. I am currently having trouble figuring out how to do this: I have a checklist in a spreadsheet with the dates in columns, ie Sep11:
D7 E7 F7 G7 H7 and so on until last day of the month
01 02 05 06 07
These are business days (Mon-Fri). In the column "C" I have the task list:
Task 1 C8
Task 2 C9
The user should go and mark as completed with "X" in the cells below the date. I need a way to verify that he/she marked the task in the respective date, no later no before so I was thinking in a macro that do the following.
When updating the cell values in rows 9 to 34 verify that the active cell date header (Columns D, E, F...) is equals than the current date if not change the font to red.
if Today() <> Header date then "Active cell - change Font Color to Red" End if.
i.e: If E15 is marked with X verify that today equals than E7 else change the cell font to red.
Very important: I need to lock the user to change the cells format, can I do this?
I hope that this make sense.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Moises G.
D7 E7 F7 G7 H7 and so on until last day of the month
01 02 05 06 07
These are business days (Mon-Fri). In the column "C" I have the task list:
Task 1 C8
Task 2 C9
The user should go and mark as completed with "X" in the cells below the date. I need a way to verify that he/she marked the task in the respective date, no later no before so I was thinking in a macro that do the following.
When updating the cell values in rows 9 to 34 verify that the active cell date header (Columns D, E, F...) is equals than the current date if not change the font to red.
if Today() <> Header date then "Active cell - change Font Color to Red" End if.
i.e: If E15 is marked with X verify that today equals than E7 else change the cell font to red.
Very important: I need to lock the user to change the cells format, can I do this?
I hope that this make sense.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Moises G.