VBA code for printing range(s)


Active Member
Nov 7, 2009
thanks for helping...

i was given this code some time ago and it works great...
Sub sortedPrint()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim wsToPrint() As Double
    Dim pCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim Max As Integer

    i = 1
    For Each ws In Worksheets
        If ws.Range("B8").Value <> "" Then
            ReDim Preserve wsToPrint(1 To 2, 1 To i)
            wsToPrint(1, i) = ws.Index
            wsToPrint(2, i) = ws.Range("F7").Value
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next ws
    pCount = UBound(wsToPrint, 2)

    For i = 1 To pCount
        Max = 1
        For j = 1 To pCount
            If wsToPrint(2, j) > wsToPrint(2, Max) Then Max = j
        Next j
        Sheets(wsToPrint(1, Max)).PrintOut
        wsToPrint(2, Max) = -9.9E+101
    Next i
End Sub

At the time i needed to then sort the printing through several ranges...
and was given this, i changed teh ranges and used it 10 times is a workbook
and it works great too...

Sub printSome1()
    sortedPrintFromTo "sheet1", "sheet8"
End Sub
Sub printSome2()
    sortedPrintFromTo "sheet10", "Wtrcarr28"
End Sub

and i use that PrintSome about 10 times.......

OK, here is my problem
i am building the same workbook for an other new customer
and the printing is just not working
there is a Compile Error: "Sub or function not defined"

i think my problem is in the second to the last line
in the first code where is states....
"wsToPrint(2, Max) = -9.9E+101"

because of the number of pages, i am guessing at the problem

the first worksheet that should print is the 12th
and there is a total of 71 worksheets to look through

this code works great in one work book but not the new one i am making
i need to print.....
sorted by cell F7, from highest to lowest number
with in a rage of worksheets
if there is a value ( any value ) in cell B8

i thought this would be an easy copy and paste into this new work book
( everything else was )

thanks for your help as always


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thanks for helping...

i was given this code some time ago and it works great...
Sub sortedPrint()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim wsToPrint() As Double
    Dim pCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim Max As Integer

    i = 1
    For Each ws In Worksheets
        If ws.Range("B8").Value <> "" Then
            ReDim Preserve wsToPrint(1 To 2, 1 To i)
            wsToPrint(1, i) = ws.Index
            wsToPrint(2, i) = ws.Range("F7").Value
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next ws
    pCount = UBound(wsToPrint, 2)

    For i = 1 To pCount
        Max = 1
        For j = 1 To pCount
            If wsToPrint(2, j) > wsToPrint(2, Max) Then Max = j
        Next j
        Sheets(wsToPrint(1, Max)).PrintOut
        wsToPrint(2, Max) = -9.9E+101
    Next i
End Sub

At the time i needed to then sort the printing through several ranges...
and was given this, i changed teh ranges and used it 10 times is a workbook
and it works great too...

Sub printSome1()
    sortedPrintFromTo "sheet1", "sheet8"
End Sub
Sub printSome2()
    sortedPrintFromTo "sheet10", "Wtrcarr28"
End Sub

and i use that PrintSome about 10 times.......

OK, here is my problem
i am building the same workbook for an other new customer
and the printing is just not working
there is a Compile Error: "Sub or function not defined"

i think my problem is in the second to the last line
in the first code where is states....
"wsToPrint(2, Max) = -9.9E+101"

because of the number of pages, i am guessing at the problem

the first worksheet that should print is the 12th
and there is a total of 71 worksheets to look through

this code works great in one work book but not the new one i am making
i need to print.....
sorted by cell F7, from highest to lowest number
with in a rage of worksheets
if there is a value ( any value ) in cell B8

i thought this would be an easy copy and paste into this new work book
( everything else was )

thanks for your help as always


The posted code appears to work. Check for typos and spelling in your new workbook code. The line that you thought might be the problem did not seem to interfere with the calculation for the printing sequence. That funny looking number is just a scientific notation, but it really does nothing to the calculation process.
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