Hi the below code copies data from Active worksheet "ShtSrc" and then copies to "shtDst". I would like to change the ranges it copies to shtDst, so if the data is from A2:I, i only want the code to copy A2:C and Col H and then paste this to "A6" in shtDst
With shtSrc
Set lstRowSrc = .Cells(.Rows.Count, gColumnForLastRow).End(xlUp)
lstSrcCellRwNum = lstRowSrc.Row
With .Range("A2:I" & lstSrcCellRwNum)
On Error Resume Next
Intersect(shtDst.UsedRange, shtDst.Range("A6:I" & Rows.Count)).ClearContents
On Error GoTo 0
.Copy shtDst.Range("A1")
End With
End With