Rick. Thanks, and sorry, I don't thing I explained myself very well, or I misunderstand.
When a user selects any cell in the worksheet, they can them press crtl l and this brings up a user form with a text box, and an OK button.
When the text box opens, I want it to display any comment that was already in the current cell. So I have tried:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.TextBox1.Text = ActiveCell.Comment
End Sub
but this does not work.
What I then want is that the user can edit or type in new text in the text box, and then when the OK button, then the new text replaces the old comment. So I tried:
Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Unload Me
ActiveCell.Comment = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
And this does not work either.
The code works OK if I just work with the Cell's value, but stops working when I add the .Comment lines.