VBA - Last row of pivot table source data sheet


Board Regular
Oct 10, 2006

I obtained the following through the macro recorder, and just tweaked the source data to make sure all rows up to 65536 are captured:

<font face=Courier New>ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _<br>        "'" & ActiveSheet.Name & "'!A1:Q403").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="", _<br>        TableName:="PivotTable1"</FONT>

Previously in my code I calculated the row # of the last row in the source data sheet and called it "Lastrow". Can I use this variable in the code obtained through the macro recorder? Not sure about what the syntax should then be...

Thanks for your help,


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Perhasp this.
Rich (BB code):
ActiveSheet.Name & "'!A1:Q" & Lastrow
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