Legacy 93538
Does anyone know to alter this VBA loop so it copys the range (A2:M14) from files being opened in the loop and then paste them into the template workbook in the B column starting at the second row and pasting it under the data pasted in last but also leaving a blank line in between the each one?
So far i have this, which loops through the file but doesn't copy and paste the data where i want it to:
Can anyone help me beacuse i have hit a brick wall?
Does anyone know to alter this VBA loop so it copys the range (A2:M14) from files being opened in the loop and then paste them into the template workbook in the B column starting at the second row and pasting it under the data pasted in last but also leaving a blank line in between the each one?
So far i have this, which loops through the file but doesn't copy and paste the data where i want it to:
If Len(strFile) > 0 Then
Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=StrFldr & "\" & strFile)
Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
With Workbooks("Book1Template.xlsx").Sheets("MTH")
.Cells(lNextrow, 2) = wsMyCsvSheet.Range("A2:M14").Copy
End With
lNextrow = lNextrow + 1
'close it
'go to next file
strFile = Dir
Application.StatusBar = strFile
Loop Until Len(strFile) = 0
End If
Can anyone help me beacuse i have hit a brick wall?