I have a macro that works, but I need to tweek it and dont know how. I have 2 tabs and in Tab1 in column B there is an indicator 'y' or blank.when its 'y' and the user clicks on a find button, it takes to Tab2 and finds the ID from Tab1 (columnA) and finds that record on the 2nd tab (but the ID Field is in Column X, I would like the macro to go to Column A of the row that it finds in Tab2. Can someone please help.
EDIT: added Code tags - Moderator
I have a macro that works, but I need to tweek it and dont know how. I have 2 tabs and in Tab1 in column B there is an indicator 'y' or blank.when its 'y' and the user clicks on a find button, it takes to Tab2 and finds the ID from Tab1 (columnA) and finds that record on the 2nd tab (but the ID Field is in Column X, I would like the macro to go to Column A of the row that it finds in Tab2. Can someone please help.
Sub testing()
' testing Macro
' Macro recorded 08/01/2007 by u470004
Dim val As Variant
Dim cell As String
Dim cell2 As String
Dim r As Range
cell = "AJ" & ActiveCell.Row
val = Range(cell, cell).Value
Set r = Cells.Find(val)
If (Not r Is Nothing) Then
cell2 = "A" & r.Select (me trying to fix it - IT DOESNT WORK )
MsgBox val & "NOTHING FOUND!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Lookup"
End If
End Sub
EDIT: added Code tags - Moderator