Vba Problem Function, Call from a newbie


New Member
Aug 24, 2011
Hi All,

What am i doing, i wrote a vba code that takes data from textboxes and Comboboxes and put this data in to 2 excel workbooks and makes a 3th one ( from a template ) puts in the data and save.

The data i get out of the textboxes are put into the different excel sheets.
Now i have 9 almost identical products with a few different textboxes. And i'm trying to simplify my code so it's cleaner. using functions.

As you can see in the code below, I want to make for example a function that puts the data of the textboxes in 1 excel sheet.

So for exapmle i could use: Function AddData( all the variables from the textboxes ). And this way i could reuse this function instead of copy pasting the whole code 9 times.

Or a function to check if the cell is filled with an numeric value. Now i copy pasted everything and changed the variable and the msgbox but if i could make a function that would look like this Function CheckNumeric( txtboxinput, "msgboxinfo As String") So i would just have to write
CheckNumeric(txtIncAenR, IncidentNummer)
CheckNumeric(txtDateAenR, Date)

Private Sub cmdOkAenR_Click()
'Voegt datum, week en maand toe
Datum = Date
DatumMaand = Month(Datum)
DatumWeek = DatePart("ww", Datum, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
DatumJaar = DatePart("YYYY", Datum, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
'Kijkt de textboxes en Comboboxes na of de correcte data is ingevoerd
If Not IsNumeric(txtIncAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij IncidentNummer", vbExclamation, "Incidentnummer"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtMateriaalNummerAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Materiaal Nummer", vbExclamation, "Materiaal Nummer"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtDateAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Date", vbExclamation, "Date"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtCAPAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij CAP", vbExclamation, "CAP"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtPositieAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Positie", vbExclamation, "Positie"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtHoeveelheidAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Hoeveelheid", vbExclamation, "Hoeveelheid"
Exit Sub
End If
If txtProductAenR.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een product in te vullen", vbExclamation, "Product"
Exit Sub
End If
If cboAuteurAenR.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Gelieve de correcte auteur te selecteren", vbExclamation, "Auteur"
Exit Sub
End If
If cboProbleemAenR.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een probleem te selecteren", vbExclamation, "Probleem"
Exit Sub
End If
'Controleert Mix of geen Mix en zorgt ervoor dat Vreemde gegevens kunnen bijgevoegd worden
'Maakt de string Gegevens waarin alle nodige data staan voor de info van het incidentenblad
If cboProbleemAenR = "Mix" Then
Gegevens = txtProductAenR.Value + ", " + txtMateriaalNummerAenR.Value + ", " + txtDateAenR.Value + ", " + txtCAPAenR.Value + ", " + txtPositieAenR.Value + " zat vreemd in pack" + txtVreemdProductAenR.Value + ", " + txtVreemdMateriaalNummerAenR.Value + ", " + txtVreemdDateAenR.Value + ", " + txtVreemdCAPAenR.Value + ", " + txtVreemdPositieAenR.Value
If Not IsNumeric(txtVreemdMateriaalNummerAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Materiaal Nummer", vbExclamation, "Materiaal Nummer"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtVreemdDateAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Date", vbExclamation, "Date"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtVreemdCAPAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij CAP", vbExclamation, "CAP"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(txtVreemdPositieAenR) Then
MsgBox "Gelieve een getal in te geven bij Positie", vbExclamation, "Positie"
Exit Sub
End If
Gegevens = txtProductAenR.Value + ", " + txtMateriaalNummerAenR.Value + ", " + txtDateAenR.Value + ", " + txtCAPAenR.Value + ", " + txtPositieAenR.Value
End If
'If txtVreemdProductAenR.Value = "" Then
'MsgBox "Gelieve een product in te vullen", vbExclamation, "Product"
'Exit Sub
'End If
RowCount = Workbooks("Back UP 3.xlsm").Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A1")
    .Offset(RowCount, 6) = txtIncAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 7) = Jaar
    .Offset(RowCount, 8) = DatumMaand
    .Offset(RowCount, 9) = DatumWeek
    .Offset(RowCount, 10) = Datum
    .Offset(RowCount, 11) = txtStartUur
    .Offset(RowCount, 12) = txtStartPloeg
    .Offset(RowCount, 13) = cboAuteurAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 14) = txtStartOperatorInc
    .Offset(RowCount, 15) = txtStartOperatorVast
    .Offset(RowCount, 17) = txtMateriaalNummerAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 18) = txtStartProduct
    .Offset(RowCount, 19) = "AenR"
    .Offset(RowCount, 23) = txtStartMinizone
    .Offset(RowCount, 24) = txtStartLijn
    .Offset(RowCount, 25) = "Packaging error"
    .Offset(RowCount, 27) = choProbleemAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 28) = Gegevens
    .Offset(RowCount, 29) = txtStartOorzaak
    .Offset(RowCount, 30) = txtStartActies
End With
'Einde Extra
'Zoekt de volgende volledig lege lijn
Workbooks.Open ("R:\08 Pack\Student\Automatisatie\Compleetfinito.xlsm")
RowCount = Workbooks("Compleetfinito.xlsm").Sheets("Incidenten").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("Incidenten").Range("A1")
    .Offset(RowCount, 0) = Datum
    .Offset(RowCount, 1) = DatumMaand
    .Offset(RowCount, 2) = DatumWeek
    .Offset(RowCount, 3) = txtIncAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 4) = cboAuteurAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 5) = "Pu"
    .Offset(RowCount, 6) = "AenR"
    .Offset(RowCount, 8) = cboProbleemAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 7) = txtMateriaalNummerAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 9) = txtHoeveelheidAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 10) = "stuks"
    .Offset(RowCount, 11) = txtOpmerkingenAenR.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 12) = Gegevens
End With
'Opent de template van Mead die zich op het onderstaande pad bevindt
'En voegt dan hierin de correcte data toe van dit incident
Workbooks.Open Filename:="O:\Industriële Directie\LaboUS\incidenten 2010\2011\Meldingen\Mead\Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls"
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("I1").Value = txtIncAenR.Value
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("I3").Value = txtMateriaalNummerAenR.Value
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("E6").Value = cboProbleemAenR.Value
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("B18").Value = txtHoeveelheidAenR.Value
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("B8").Value = Gegevens
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("I4").Value = Datum
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("I2").Value = "AenR"
'Fname zorgt ervoor dat het correcte pad wordt gemaakt waar het incidentenblad wordt opgeslagen
'Hierna wordt de copy opgeslagen onder het pad van fname
'En dan Saven en wordt het gesloten
fname = "O:\Industriële Directie\LaboUS\incidenten 2010\2011\Meldingen\AenR\nog te versturen\" + "AenR Inc " + txtIncAenR.Value + ".xls"
Workbooks("Template_melding_mead_2011_ok.xls").SaveCopyAs fname
End Sub

I hope someone can help me

I use a few global variables as listed below

Sub GlobalVariables()
    Dim RowCount As Long        'Telt de rijen
    Dim Datum As Date           'Datum
    Dim DatumMaand As Single    'MaandNummer
    Dim DatumWeek As Single     'WeekNummer
    Dim Gegevens As String      'gegevensstring waarin alle gegevens staan
    Dim fname As String         'naam van de file
    Dim DatumJaar As Single
End Sub

please help me

Excel Facts

Format cells as date
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+3 to format cells as date. (Shift 3 is the # sign which sort of looks like a small calendar).
If some could just explain me how to use a function then i could probably find the rest.

I've been teaching myself VBA for the last week now
Upvote 0
One way:

Sub demo()
    ' ...
    CheckNumeric UserForm1.TextBox1, "Textbox1 has to be numeric"
    ' ...
End Sub
Function CheckNumeric(ctl As Control, sMsg As String) As Boolean
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "TextBox"
            If IsNumeric(ctl.Value) And Len(ctl.Value) > 0 Then
                CheckNumeric = True
                MsgBox sMsg
            End If
        Case Else
            MsgBox "CheckNumeric: I only do textboxes!"
    End Select
End Function
Upvote 0
Ok :)


So i put the sub Demo en the Function all in the workbookcode ?

So then if i wan't to use this code to check if textbox with name txtProductionDate and textbox with name txtReeelNumber is filled in?

i just type

sub ...click of button

CheckNumeric Incidenten.txtProductionDate, " Date has to be numeric" 
CheckNumeric Incidenten.txtReelNumber , " Reel Number has to be numeric"

Is this correct ?

Thank you a thousand times
Upvote 0
Now i have another question, i don't know if this is the place to ask it but it also has to do with the whole function things.

So i'm writing into some excel file
always on the next empty row ( using offset )

Could i make a function for this

Something like

Function AddData( ... Here would be the textbox inputs ... )

And this should be the code that should be in the function
I work in sheet1 and the name of the workbook is Back UP 3.xlsm
I'm using textbox values ( start with txt ) Combobox Values ( starts with cbo )
and then some variables which are combinations of other textbox values.

RowCount = Workbooks("Back UP 3.xlsm").Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A1")
    .Offset(RowCount, 6) = txtIncAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 7) = Jaar
    .Offset(RowCount, 8) = DatumMaand
    .Offset(RowCount, 9) = DatumWeek
    .Offset(RowCount, 10) = Datum
    .Offset(RowCount, 11) = txtStartUur
    .Offset(RowCount, 12) = txtStartPloeg
    .Offset(RowCount, 13) = cboAuteurAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 14) = txtStartOperatorInc
    .Offset(RowCount, 15) = txtStartOperatorVast
    .Offset(RowCount, 17) = txtMateriaalNummerAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 18) = txtStartProduct
    .Offset(RowCount, 19) = "AenR"
    .Offset(RowCount, 23) = txtStartMinizone
    .Offset(RowCount, 24) = txtStartLijn
    .Offset(RowCount, 25) = "Packaging error"
    .Offset(RowCount, 27) = choProbleemAenR
    .Offset(RowCount, 28) = Gegevens
    .Offset(RowCount, 29) = txtStartOorzaak
    .Offset(RowCount, 30) = txtStartActies
End With

Then also I need a function to find the Year, Week, and Month out of a date, they should be all stored in YearNumber, WeekNumber and MonthNumber

This is what i got

    Datum = Date
    MonthNumber= Month(Datum)
    WeekNumber= DatePart("ww", Datum, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
    YearNumber= DatePart("YYYY", Datum, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
Upvote 0
One way:

Sub demo()
    ' ...
    CheckNumeric UserForm1.TextBox1, "Textbox1 has to be numeric"
    ' ...
End Sub
Function CheckNumeric(ctl As Control, sMsg As String) As Boolean
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "TextBox"
            If IsNumeric(ctl.Value) And Len(ctl.Value) > 0 Then
                CheckNumeric = True
                MsgBox sMsg
            End If
        Case Else
            MsgBox "CheckNumeric: I only do textboxes!"
    End Select
End Function

Thx for this code but still one problem, now if i run the code it indeed says that i didn't filled in the textbox but it doesn't stop the execution which should be done
Upvote 0
One way:

Sub demo()
    ' ...
    CheckNumeric UserForm1.TextBox1, "Textbox1 has to be numeric"
    ' ...
End Sub
Function CheckNumeric(ctl As Control, sMsg As String) As Boolean
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "TextBox"
            If IsNumeric(ctl.Value) And Len(ctl.Value) > 0 Then
                CheckNumeric = True
                MsgBox sMsg
            End If
        Case Else
            MsgBox "CheckNumeric: I only do textboxes!"
    End Select
End Function

Thx for this code but still one problem, now if i run the code it indeed says that i didn't filled in the textbox but it doesn't stop the execution which should be done
Upvote 0
Thx for this code but still one problem, now if i run the code it indeed says that i didn't filled in the textbox but it doesn't stop the execution which should be done

Never mind this i fixed it using the next code
If( CheckNumeric(Incidenten.txtProduct, " Text " ) = False ) Then Exit Sub
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