VBA: Referencing a cell in a table


New Member
Dec 12, 2011

I'm just learning VBA and can't seem to find a solution to this (no doubt easy) problem on the internet, I'm hoping someone here can help me?

I am trying to populate a row of cells in a worksheet using a 'For/Next' command over the values found in a table column on a different sheet. The closest I can get from googling the problem is below, can anyone tell me what I'm obviously doing wrong?

I know I could just use an explicit range, I am keen to use a table to store (and reference) the data if I can. Any help would be appreciated!

Worksheets(WS_Test).Cells(1, i).Value = Worksheets(WS_DataSourcesInput).ListObjects("TableSourcesInput").ListColumns(2).ListRows(i).Range.Value



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Did you know Excel offers Filter by Selection?
Add the AutoFilter icon to the Quick Access Toolbar. Select a cell containing Apple, click AutoFilter, and you will get all rows with Apple
Hi Adam,

You can reference a Range of Cells in a field of the Table using the field name and its parts.

For example, assuming a field with a header of "Sales"...

Range ("Table2[[#Headers],[#Data],[Sales]]")    [COLOR="#008080"]'This references Header, Data[/COLOR]

Range ("Table2[[#All],[Sales]]")   [COLOR="#008080"]'This references Header, Data and Total, if exists.[/COLOR]
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Hi Adam,

You can reference a Range of Cells in a field of the Table using the field name and its parts.

For example, assuming a field with a header of "Sales"...

Range ("Table2[[#Headers],[#Data],[Sales]]")    [COLOR=#008080]'This references Header, Data[/COLOR]

Range ("Table2[[#All],[Sales]]")   [COLOR=#008080]'This references Header, Data and Total, if exists.[/COLOR]


Thanks for the reply! I'm afraid I don't quite follow what you mean (though that's probably down to my inexperience with VBA more than anything else :)

Are you saying that I can specify the 'range' of cells I want to populate and instruct the VBA to populate them with the range in the table? i.e. I wouldn't need to do it as a For/Next formula like this?

For i = 1 to 10
            Worksheets(WS_Test).Cells(1, i).Value = Worksheets(WS_DataSourcesInput).ListObjects("TableSourcesInput"). _

Thanks again for your help!

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Here's one way. (Replace Sales with the name of your field)

    Worksheets(WS_Test).Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True

One of the benefits of using the structured references of Tables is that the code will still work if you change the order of the fields, or the location of the table.
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