VBA SendKeys (F2) and NumLock Issue


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
Hello Everyone!

I've got a set of merged cells that users will paste into. To bypass the error when pasting into merged cells, I wrote the following code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Selectionchange(ByVal Target As Range)    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B25:B50")) Is Nothing Then
        Application.SendKeys keys:="{F2}"
    End If
End Sub

This code makes it such that when you click a cell in the specified range, it will send the F2 key-press (similar to double clicking a cell), thereby bypassing the problem with pasting into merged cells.

The problem is, as I'm sure many are aware, SendKeys is bugged. It will toggle Caps Lock, NumLock, Scroll Lock on/off when activated. I've been looking for a solution to this for some time, but have been unable to find anything that works. I've tried using some of the code found online that finds the keystate of numlock and if off, turn it on. However, I cannot seem to get this code to work (I am somewhat new to VBA, so it's possible I'm doing something wrong).

So, I'm looking for a way to resolve this. I either need some code that works similar to sending the F2 keypress without actually using SendKeys. Or I need to find a functional method of finding the keystate of numlock and turning it on when it inevitably gets turned off (or possibly reset it to it's initial state (on or off) before the SendKeys macro activates).

Interesting side note. I did some experimentation on this. If I open my workbook with number lock turned on and then click in the given range B25:B50, number lock toggles off. If I then activate macro:

Sub Button99_Click()
SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
End Sub

while number lock is turned off, it then turns number lock back on. Following that, subsequent activations of the macro that sends the F2 keypress do not toggle number lock. I've tried some experimentation with duplicating this with a macro that activates when the workbook is first opened, but I've yet to see success here.

Anyhow, any and all help on this matter is appreciated!

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What is the problem with pasting into merged cells you are trying to handle?
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The individuals using my form are not particularly Excel savvy. They want to be able to click a cell and ctrl + v to paste into it. If you try to do this in a merged cell, you get an error stating "Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected area. Do you want to paste the data anyway?" and clicking OK then returns a second error stating "Cannot change part of a merged cell."

To bypass this, if you double click a merged cell and then paste, you do not get an error. VBA (to my understanding) does not have code to mimic a double click. My solution was to use F2, which has a similar functionality. However, as stated above, SendKeys is bugged so I'm hoping for other solutions or a potential fix to the SendKeys bug.
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Send F2 twice with DoEvents as follows :
Private Sub Worksheet_Selectionchange(ByVal Target As Range) 
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B25:B50")) Is Nothing Then
        Application.SendKeys keys:="{F2}"
        Application.SendKeys keys:="{F2}"
    End If
End Sub
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Had the same problem, this works fine for me (don't know how robust it is) :)
insert after sendkeys statement:
Application.Numlock = True
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