VBA - to change Formula Reference.


Board Regular
Jul 3, 2003
I am wanting to change the formula reference in a cell dependent on an OptionButton Selected.

Currently the formula in the spreadsheet is:

but if I select an option button then I want to change the D12 to D13, as I want to select a different row for analysis, and I have tried the following code:
Private Sub cmdConfirm_Click()
If OptionButton1.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("d22").FormulaArray = "=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(D12), ISNUMBER(D22)),+D12-D22," - ")"

End If

End Sub
I even tried to change the formula in VBA to
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("d22").FormulaArray = "=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(R13C4), ISNUMBER(R22C4)),+R13C4-R22C4," - ")"

Please note that D22 does not need to change
using the RxCx method but to no avail.
Any ideas on how I can change this?

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Have you tried using .Formula instead of .FormulaArray ?


Cells(1, 1) = 105.36
Range("A2").Formula = "=A1/2.36"
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The bit it is objecting to is the " - " symbol at the end of the formula. If you change this to a number (eg: 0 ) the formula works and is pasted. If you leave it as blanl (eg: "") or as you have it " - " is throws a spanner.
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That's not an array formula, but that wasn't the problem --

ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("d22").Formula = "=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(R13C4), ISNUMBER(R22C4)),R13C4-R22C4," & """" & " - " & """" & ")"

Need a lotta quotes to get a real one ...
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