VBA to sum based on certain criteria


New Member
Apr 25, 2006
Hi, more help required I'm afraid.

In cells A1 to A4 I might have values of 100.00. In cell A6 might be 200.00 and cells A9 to A12 I might have 300.00.

What I want is in cell B5 it will put an X so that in cell C5 it can sum the amounts A1 to A4. In cell B7 it will put an X and sum in C7 and B13 will be an X and C13 will be a sum of A9 to A12.

Now I am sure this is possible but not sure how to about it. In effect every gap it will sum the previous x rows.

Thank you, Mark

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Sub SumBlocks()
Dim SumRng  As Variant
Dim aRng    As Range

For Each aRng In Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1).Areas
    SumRng = aRng.Address(0, 0)
    Cells(aRng.Row + aRng.Rows.Count, "A") = "=SUM(" & SumRng & ")"
End Sub

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