VBA VLookup Help!


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
Hi All,

I need to do a Vlookup on a persons name in sheet1 to find that persons name in sheet2 and put a "Yes" in the correct cell of column 26 when it finds the name

so far I have:

#Application.WorksheetFunction.VLOOKUP(B3,Sheet2.Range("C3:AB1000"), 26, FALSE)# - 'so the cell that it finds will be empty but I want it to now populate this cell with the word "Yes"

Any help would be great :)

Thanks in advance


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I don't think VLOOKUP is right function for this. If I've interpretted the question correctly then you'll need the MATCH function instead.

I would suggest a formula like this:


Or (in VBA):

Cells(3, 26).Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B3,Sheet2!C:C,0)),""yes"",""no"")"
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Yes the match works :) but this is putting the Yes or No on the dashboard page - What I need it to do it look at the name on the dashboard and then go and find that name on sheet2 (the tracker) then put a "yes" in the "has this person been contacted" column

In sheet2 the name column is B:B and the "has this person been contacted"column is AA:AA
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Please confirm:

(1) Column B of Sheet1 contains names;
(2) Column B of Sheet2 also contains names;
(3) Column AA of Sheet2 needs to contain a formula; and
(4) The formula should return whether or not the names in column B (of Sheet2) are found in column B of Sheet1.

Is this correct?
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below answers:

(1) Column B of Sheet1 contains names; YES
(2) Column B of Sheet2 contains names; YES
(3) Column AA of Sheet2 needs to show the result e.g "Yes" of the formula rather than the formula displaying the result - the reason for this is that once that person has a "yes" in column AA their name will disappear from Sheet1 so it will cause a circular reference error

The list of names in Sheet1 are extractions from a pivot table in Sheet1 looking for names of people who have not been contacted in sheet2, so it's kind of like a daily workload. next to each name in Sheet1 there are macro buttons that send a generic email out to that person - where I'm stuck is I want the macro to then go and put the value "yes" in sheet2 so when the pivot table is refreshed in sheet1 that persons name disappears.
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Perhaps something like this:

Sub Contacted()

    Dim Rang As Range
    Dim Cell As Range
    On Error Resume Next
        With Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns("B")
            Set Rang = Union( _
                .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues), _
                .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlTextValues))
        End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not Rang Is Nothing Then
        For Each Cell In Rang
            With Range("AA" & Cell.Row)
                .Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B" & Cell.Row & ",Sheet1!B:B,0)),""no"",""yes"")"
                .Value = .Value
            End With
        Next Cell
    End If

End Sub
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I tried the above but it didn't result in a "Yes" being entered into Cell AA16 in Sheet2 - so obviously the pivot table in sheet1 is still showing that persons name.

Is this because the above is comparing whole columns in sheet1 to sheet2 instead of a specific cell?
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