VBA Worksheet Funtion Won't Recalculate


New Member
Nov 24, 2005

I have created a function in VBA to use in my excel worksheets. It is an "if" function referring to a number on a different sheet i.e. =if(sheet2!H15=1,do this,do that). It works fine except that it won't recalculate when I change the number on the other sheet. I have to press shift + F9 in order for it to give me the correct value. I have tried application.volatile but it doesn;t have any effect. Any suggestions?



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Show the VBA please. And tell how exactly you tried Application.Volatile. I'm assuming calculation is set as Automatic.
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Here is my code....namerange shift is another function that I have used to select cells in a named range that are to the left or right of the current column as for example, when using Excel's SUM function, excel tried to SUM the entire name range.

Function CalculateAverageSubscribersEOP(ByRef EOPSubscriberRange As Range, ByVal ThisCol As Double) As Double
Dim TestNumber As Boolean
Dim SubRangeValMinus1
Dim SubRangeVal
Dim SubRangeValPlus1

SubRangeValMinus1 = Range(EOPSubscriberRange.Address).Cells(1, ThisCol - 1).Value
SubRangeVal = Range(EOPSubscriberRange.Address).Cells(1, ThisCol).Value
SubRangeValPlus1 = Range(EOPSubscriberRange.Address).Cells(1, ThisCol + 1).Value

TestNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(NameRangeShift(EOPSubscriberRange, -1, ThisCol))

If TestNumber Then
    CalculateAverageSubscribersEOP = (SubRangeVal + SubRangeValMinus1) / 2
    CalculateAverageSubscribersEOP = (SubRangeVal * SubRangeVal / SubRangeValPlus1 + SubRangeVal) / 2
End If

End Function

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Tell how exactly you tried Application.Volatile. I'm assuming calculation is set as Automatic.
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I used application.volatile straight after the function at the top of the code, before I dimensioned anything. Automatic calculation is turned on.

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