I have made this userform shown below and I cant figure out how to code this correctly.
Combox1 is a drop down of column C of my "parts" sheet which is already working.
When a selection in combobox1 is made, i would like to see the value of column J in Listbox1
IE: combobox1 value is "123" as shown on row 2 of the parts sheet, then "10" from Column J Row 2 will be shown in Listbox1
A user enter a number into a number into textbox1 and when they click "remove", it should subtract the value in Listbox1 from Column J
Column J should also not go into the negative if this is even possible.
I appreciate all the help with this. This is my last and final step to this parts database.
Combox1 is a drop down of column C of my "parts" sheet which is already working.
When a selection in combobox1 is made, i would like to see the value of column J in Listbox1
IE: combobox1 value is "123" as shown on row 2 of the parts sheet, then "10" from Column J Row 2 will be shown in Listbox1
A user enter a number into a number into textbox1 and when they click "remove", it should subtract the value in Listbox1 from Column J
Column J should also not go into the negative if this is even possible.
I appreciate all the help with this. This is my last and final step to this parts database.