I am having trouble with a vlookup. I want it to pick up a material description using material no from one table which is the most up to date and contains only the materials we have used here for the past 2 years, the spreadsheet i am copying the formula into contains lots of obsolete material numbers which i need to delete out but the formula isnt showing them as n/a it is simplying copying down the last known material description until it finds one is knows (hope this makes sense!).
My vlookup is as below:
=VLOOKUP(A6711,'Customer info'!$A$1:$D$35248,4)
So it is trying to pick up the material description from the Customer info sheet.
My vlookup is as below:
=VLOOKUP(A6711,'Customer info'!$A$1:$D$35248,4)
So it is trying to pick up the material description from the Customer info sheet.