ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
"", TextToDisplay:="Drawing Link"
For Each hl In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
Debug.Print hl.Parent.Address, hl.Address, hl.SubAddress
If hl.Parent.Address = "$H$9" Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
hl.Address, TextToDisplay:=hl.TextToDisplay
End If
This is one method...copies the hyperlink address from H9 to the selected cell.
If you want to place the result in a cell other than 'selection' then provide a Range reference for the anchor parameter.
Code:For Each hl In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks Debug.Print hl.Parent.Address, hl.Address, hl.SubAddress If hl.Parent.Address = "$H$9" Then ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Selection, Address:= _ hl.Address, TextToDisplay:=hl.TextToDisplay End If Next
Dim C, VLookRng, DataRng As Range
Sub SetRefHyperlink(VLookRng As Range, DataRng As Range)
'VLookRng=the Range of cells containing the Vlookup formula
'DataRng is a single column range, assumes the hyperlink to return is in the 1st column
'Loop through Each cell of the Vlookup formulas
For Each C In VLookRng
'Is it a Vlookup?
If InStr(1, C.Formula, "vlookup", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'Match the value returned from vlookup against the DataRng
'Return thr Row
RefRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(C.Value, DataRng)
If RefRow <> "" Then
'Loop through the Hyperlinks of the worksheet containing DataRng
For Each hl In DataRng.Worksheet.Hyperlinks
'Debug.Print hl.Parent.Address, hl.Address, hl.SubAddress
'The 'Parent" is the reference to the cell containing the hyperlink
'DataRng.Column references the 1st column of provided DataRng
'Adjust anchor:=C.Offset(0, 1) to adjust target of where the new hyperlink resides
'Currently set to create 1 cell to the right of the Vlookup formula
If hl.Parent.Row = RefRow And hl.Parent.Column = DataRng.Column Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _
anchor:=C.Offset(0, 1), _
Address:=hl.Address, _
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next C
End Sub
Thanks For All Your Hard Work! One Problem Though, I Put the code like this;Vlookup won't work in this case because it returns a value, not a cell reference, or anything to build a cell reference from.
So we can use Match to find the value returned from vlookup in the dataset, and build a cell reference from that.
There is probably more elegant method, however this works on my small test scale:
The Call:
Call SetRefHyperlink(Range("Sheet1!D1:D11"),Range("Sheet2!C1:C11"))
Sheet1!D1:D11 contains my vlookup formulas
Sheet2!C1:C11 contains the data the vlookup formula is searching
Code:Dim C, VLookRng, DataRng As Range Sub SetRefHyperlink(VLookRng As Range, DataRng As Range) 'VLookRng=the Range of cells containing the Vlookup formula 'DataRng is a single column range, assumes the hyperlink to return is in the 1st column 'Loop through Each cell of the Vlookup formulas For Each C In VLookRng 'Is it a Vlookup? If InStr(1, C.Formula, "vlookup", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then 'Match the value returned from vlookup against the DataRng 'Return thr Row RefRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(C.Value, DataRng) If RefRow <> "" Then 'Loop through the Hyperlinks of the worksheet containing DataRng For Each hl In DataRng.Worksheet.Hyperlinks 'Debug.Print hl.Parent.Address, hl.Address, hl.SubAddress 'The 'Parent" is the reference to the cell containing the hyperlink 'DataRng.Column references the 1st column of provided DataRng 'Adjust anchor:=C.Offset(0, 1) to adjust target of where the new hyperlink resides 'Currently set to create 1 cell to the right of the Vlookup formula If hl.Parent.Row = RefRow And hl.Parent.Column = DataRng.Column Then ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _ anchor:=C.Offset(0, 1), _ Address:=hl.Address, _ TextToDisplay:="Link" Exit For End If Next End If End If Next C End Sub
Dim C, VLookRng, DataRng As Range
Sub OptionButton7_Click()
Range("F9").Formula = "=VLookup(C4, Crossreftable, 3, False)"
Range("E4").Formula = "=VLookup(C4, Crossreftable, 2, False)"
Call SetRefHyperlink(Range("Search!E4"), Range("Cross-ref!A12:A482"))
End Sub
Sub SetRefHyperlink(VLookRng As Range, DataRng As Range)
'VLookRng=the Range of cells containing the Vlookup formula
'DataRng is a single column range, assumes the hyperlink to return is in the 1st column
'Loop through Each cell of the Vlookup formulas
For Each C In VLookRng
'Is it a Vlookup?
If InStr(1, C.Formula, "vlookup", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'Match the value returned from vlookup against the DataRng
'Return thr Row
RefRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(C.Value, DataRng)
If RefRow <> "" Then
'Loop through the Hyperlinks of the worksheet containing DataRng
For Each hl In DataRng.Worksheet.Hyperlinks
'Debug.Print hl.Parent.Address, hl.Address, hl.SubAddress
'The 'Parent" is the reference to the cell containing the hyperlink
'DataRng.Column references the 1st column of provided DataRng
'Adjust anchor:=C.Offset(0, 1) to adjust target of where the new hyperlink resides
'Currently set to create 1 cell to the right of the Vlookup formula
If hl.Parent.Row = RefRow And hl.Parent.Column = DataRng.Column Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _
anchor:=Range("H34"), _
Address:=hl.Address, _
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next C
End Sub