Weekday function


Board Regular
Mar 28, 2010
Hi All,

In one of my macro's, which performs submacro's for weekdays only, I would like to add a certain macro which only performs if the weekday is a friday. However, as i've set it up now, it completely skips the submacro even on fridays. Can somebody help me on this, as I'm not sure what I'm overlooking? Thx

The original code of the main macro is:

Sub RunPeriod()

Dim i As Date

i = Range("StartTest")

Do While i < Range("LastMarket") + 1

If Weekday(i, vbSaturday) > 2 Then

Range("b2").Value = i
Debug.Print i
End If

i = i + 1


End Sub

The new submacro, which is part of "Macro" in the code above, is of the form:

Sub NewWeek()
' NewWeek Macro

If Weekday(i, vbSaturday) > 6 Then
[Submacro code]
End If

As indicated, it moves immediately to "End if", even on Fridays. What am I doing wrong??

Hopefully I've described the problem clearly, if not please indicate as I will be happy to give additional info to get this gremlin solved!

Thanks in advance


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If I understand you correctly, you've declared i in RunPeriod so it only has a value in (i.e. it's local to) that procedure. When NewWeek executes, i does not exist and therefore has no value. If you place the statement MsgBox i before the End If in NewWeek, you can check whether this is true.

Please do that first.

If that is the case, to fix it - assuming RunPeriod and NewWeek are in the same code module - move the DIM statement for i to the top of the module so it becomes global to the entire module (and all the procedures in it) rather than local to RunPeriod.

In future, I recommend you head all your code modules with the Option Explicit directive: this would have highlighted the error immediately.
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