Guys hi, i need someone to help me with the following question please...
I have built an excel that has 9 worksheets. Out of these, 4 are coming directly from a mysql database. The other 6 worksheets, make some calculations, which are.
19 Vlookup functions (on different worksheets, on this excel only(
8 mid, left, right formulas in order to extract names, etc
4 Sumproduct formulas.
Every change or adition I make, my I7 @ 2,93 GHz seem unable to respond. By that i mean that if I make any change to any cell, the result will be displayed after 8-10 seconds. Why is taking so much time? What can i do to improve timings? My excel data, is not that much. The actual data from all worksheets must sum up to less 1000rows.
and one other question. if i have made a simple calculation. like price that includes vat, in one worksheet, and then i need to display the same value in another worksheet, is it faster to use vlookup to retrieve the value or is faster to do this simple calculation all over again?
Any other word of advice of how can i make this excel faster? I want this excel to work fast on an atom netbook, so I am thinking that if it takes 8 secs for any change on an i7 intel, how many ages will it take on netbook laptop?
Please help...
I have built an excel that has 9 worksheets. Out of these, 4 are coming directly from a mysql database. The other 6 worksheets, make some calculations, which are.
19 Vlookup functions (on different worksheets, on this excel only(
8 mid, left, right formulas in order to extract names, etc
4 Sumproduct formulas.
Every change or adition I make, my I7 @ 2,93 GHz seem unable to respond. By that i mean that if I make any change to any cell, the result will be displayed after 8-10 seconds. Why is taking so much time? What can i do to improve timings? My excel data, is not that much. The actual data from all worksheets must sum up to less 1000rows.
and one other question. if i have made a simple calculation. like price that includes vat, in one worksheet, and then i need to display the same value in another worksheet, is it faster to use vlookup to retrieve the value or is faster to do this simple calculation all over again?
Any other word of advice of how can i make this excel faster? I want this excel to work fast on an atom netbook, so I am thinking that if it takes 8 secs for any change on an i7 intel, how many ages will it take on netbook laptop?
Please help...