Why won't my macro work on other computers?


New Member
Sep 10, 2002
I am currently using Office xp and I am trying to transfer a macro from one computer to another. The macro works well on the original computer, but on the new computer the "front end" of the macro consisting of scroll bars and Start and Stop buttons does not work and seems diconnected from the rest of the macro. I have made sure that both computers have the same versions of Excel and same addins as well as the same personal.xls macro workbooks, but no luck. I am thinking that the problem is in some file or library missing from excel, since the macro loads on both computers. I would appriciate any possible help.

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It sounds like it is the libraries. Check the libraries on the original computer and then make sure they are checked on the new one.
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I checked the libraries and the same ones are checked on both computers. (I'm assuming you mean the libraries under the "references" menu.) Still nothing happens. One other thing: Someone else wrote the macro so I'm not sure what driver files and such it could be calling.
This message was edited by kakerot on 2002-09-11 11:17
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I know you made mention of this. But what is occuring exactly? Is it coming up with errors or not running at all?

I created a few macros on XP and transferred to another computer which did not have XP. The difference was minute, but it hung up on data types.

If your code is small enough, try creating it on the other machine. Or copy it to a blank worksheet, then recreate it in the other machine.

I've seen some strange occurences with this software, things that can't be explained. Sometimes code just hangs up time and time again. then suddenly it's running fine and nothing has changed.

It's just my opinion. But sometimes, anything is worth a shot.
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The problem in the macro exists in the fact that nothing happens. No errors, but the macro does not do anything either. I guess another important part of information I left out is that the way this was transfered between machines was using a regular excel workbook. The macro belongs only to this workbook, which runs a type of simulation, making graphs and such. Basically the user changes settings on the "frontend" with slidebars and buttons (this is the part that stopped woring) and tells the simulation to run, looking at the graphs to see how certain settings changed the results. Since the macro or actually collection of macros is integrated into this worksheet, I am not sure I would be able to rewrite the program in a reasonable amount of time. Thanks for the suggestions so far.
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Thank you for your help.

I feel like an idiot because it turned out the computer was too slow to be able to run the macro and that was the main problem. Thanks anyway.
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