work breaks from time worked formulas


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Hi, I am trying to create a spread sheet for work times. I need to be able to create a formula that will subtract the break times from the time entered based on the span of time. For example, we have a 15 minute break from 10-10:15, a 30 min. break from 12-12:30, and another 15 min. break from 2-2:15. So, if an employee works from 8AM-4PM, then 2 15 minutes breaks, and a 30 minute break needs to be deducted from the total time worked. What we are looking for is a way for each break to be deducted from the time worked, based on the time entered, so if I enter time worked as 8-11, the only 1 15 minute would be deducted.
Can you help?

Excel Facts

Workdays for a market open Mon, Wed, Friday?
Yes! Use "0101011" for the weekend argument in NETWORKDAYS.INTL or WORKDAY.INTL. The 7 digits start on Monday. 1 means it is a weekend.
Does this help at all?

1 Day Date Start Finish Gross Break 1 Break 2 Net Hrs Weekly
2 Sunday 17 September 2006 OFF 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
3 Monday 18 September 2006 09:25 18:10 08:45 00:30 00:45 07:30
4 Tuesday 19 September 2006 09:25 18:10 08:45 00:30 00:45 07:30
5 Wednesday 20 September 2006 09:00 18:10 09:10 00:30 00:45 07:55
6 Thursday 21 September 2006 09:25 21:10 11:45 00:30 00:45 10:30
7 Friday 22 September 2006 OFF 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
8 Saturday 23 September 2006 08:25 18:10 09:45 00:30 00:45 08:30 41:55


[Table-It] version 05 by Erik Van Geit
RANGE FORMULA (1st cell)
A2:A8 =TEXT(B2,"dddd")
E2:E8 =IF(C2="OFF",0,D2-C2)
F2:F8 =IF(C2="OFF",0,1/48)
G2:G8 =IF(C2="OFF",0,1/32)
H2:H8 =E2-F2-G2
I8    =SUM(H2:H8)

[Table-It] version 05 by Erik Van Geit
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Sorry, I can't seem to understand how that will work. I am a newbie, and I can't make sense of what you wrote.
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Sorry if it is not well formatted.

If you would like a copy of the sporeadsheet just e-mail me.

Take entry for 18 September, Start 09:25, finish 18:10, breaks of 30 minutes and 45 minutes. Total time at work is 18:10 - 09:25 = 8:45. Time less breaks = 8:45 - 0:30 - 0:45 = 7:30.
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