Hey Guys,
I have several worksheets that are auto-generated by a internet application, and given generic sheet tab name titles. I need to change these sheet tab names, but there are far to many to do by hand. I know you can make a macro for a specific sheet to rename the tab, I need a macro for "ThisWorkbook" to run through the entire worksheet and change these names for me, and I need to do it off based off multiple cells in each individual worksheet (shown below).
I want the name of each sheet to be MM-DD - Time am/pm
Each individual sheet has the time on it, in cell A2, but this is army time (0=12 am, 1=1 am, etc).
The date is also on each page, in cell C3:BJ3 (one giant merged cell, the date is only shown once - don't know if this will effect it).
A1 = 14
CJ = 07/01/2007
Sheet name needs to be = 07-01 - 2 pm
Any ideas?
Any and all help is appericatted.
I have several worksheets that are auto-generated by a internet application, and given generic sheet tab name titles. I need to change these sheet tab names, but there are far to many to do by hand. I know you can make a macro for a specific sheet to rename the tab, I need a macro for "ThisWorkbook" to run through the entire worksheet and change these names for me, and I need to do it off based off multiple cells in each individual worksheet (shown below).
I want the name of each sheet to be MM-DD - Time am/pm
Each individual sheet has the time on it, in cell A2, but this is army time (0=12 am, 1=1 am, etc).
The date is also on each page, in cell C3:BJ3 (one giant merged cell, the date is only shown once - don't know if this will effect it).
A1 = 14
CJ = 07/01/2007
Sheet name needs to be = 07-01 - 2 pm
Any ideas?
Any and all help is appericatted.