Hello everybody,
I'm trying to read out text information out of a reflection session.
The lines are stored in strData and I can see all the textlines in the Locals window.
There is however a problem I can't solve no mather how hard I try.
My programming skills are these from a beginner.
After the textstrings are stored in the variable strData I would like to copy them into an Excel sheet.
If all the textlines are copy-d then I would like to send that sheet with an Email to a group of people. All this by using VBA
Can anybody help me please
Here's is an example of the code I've already have:
I'm trying to read out text information out of a reflection session.
The lines are stored in strData and I can see all the textlines in the Locals window.
There is however a problem I can't solve no mather how hard I try.
My programming skills are these from a beginner.
After the textstrings are stored in the variable strData I would like to copy them into an Excel sheet.
If all the textlines are copy-d then I would like to send that sheet with an Email to a group of people. All this by using VBA
Can anybody help me please
Here's is an example of the code I've already have:
'Inlezen rapport SPRRA
'Sessie : Reflection Newbase sessie,cursor staat op het in te lezen rapport in het SPRRA scherm
'Resultaat : 1 dimensionele array van de lijnen van het betreffende rapport
Private Function fPick_Rep(Sessie As Reflection4.Session) As Variant
Dim strData() As String, i As Integer, j As Integer, r As Integer, l As Long, t As Long, s As Long
ReDim strData(0 To 0)
With Sessie
Dim strWacht(1 To 2) As String
strWacht(1) = VBA.Chr(VBA.Asc(vbLf)) + ":" 'vbLf is een linefeed
strWacht(2) = VBA.Chr(VBA.Asc(vbLf)) + "(EOF):"
Sessie.DisplayMemoryBlocks = 10 'geheugen wordt hier vergroot
Sessie.DisplayMemoryBlocks = 9 'hier terug verlaagd
.Transmit "b"
j = Sessie.Application.WaitForStrings(strWacht, 5)
If j = 0 Then
MsgBox "Er liep iets mis !"
Exit Function
r = .cursorRow 'kijkt waar de cursor staat en stopt dit in var.r
l = UBound(strData) 'om de bovenkant van de file aan te geven
s = 0
ReDim Preserve strData(0 To l + r - VBA.IIf(l = 0, 1, 0) + VBA.Abs(Sessie.DisplayMemoryTopRow))
t = VBA.IIf(l = 0, 0, 1)
For i = Sessie.DisplayMemoryTopRow To r - 1
strData(l + s + t) = .GetText(i, 0, i, .DisplayColumns)
s = s + 1
End If
'Even schermhegeheugen resetten
Sessie.DisplayMemoryBlocks = 10
Sessie.DisplayMemoryBlocks = 9
.Transmit VBA.Chr(13) 'character 13 is een carriage return
'Als j = 2 dan hebben we het einde bereikt
If j = 2 Then
.WaitForString "DETAIL"
Exit Do
End If
End With
fPick_Rep = strData
End Function
Public Sub leesrapport()
Dim varData As Variant
varData = fPick_Rep(Me)
End Sub