I've got a list of machines parts. Next to them are the mean time before failure in days. Next to that is the last failure that part experienced.
Part..........................MTBF Last Failure 9/22/2011 9/29/2011 10/6/2011
FL 1 Apron.................1308 11/19/2010
FL 1 Bearing................654 9/13/2010
FL 1 Chain.................1308 1/20/2010
FL 1 Contacts............1308 10/11/2008
FL 1 Coupling.............1308 2/1/2011
FL 1 Disch Screw........1308 12/21/2010
FL 1 Drag....................163 1/12/2011
FL 1 E&I.....................436 4/26/2010
FL 1 Eccentric.............327 4/6/2011
FL 1 Expansion Joint.....327 7/14/2010
FL 1 Fan.....................187 2/18/2011
I have dates stretched at the top for several years. I want to know when each part will break multiple times.
What I have now is
=IF(AND("Last Failure"+"MTBF">"Date1","Last Failure"+"MTBF"<Date2),X,"")
and it drags on for several different date values.
However that will only account for the first failure. Is it possible to make an If statement that has unlimited ands, like for any integer*MTBF. Or if there is a way make a VB function that would be very helpful.
Please ask questions if this is not explained clearly.
Part..........................MTBF Last Failure 9/22/2011 9/29/2011 10/6/2011
FL 1 Apron.................1308 11/19/2010
FL 1 Bearing................654 9/13/2010
FL 1 Chain.................1308 1/20/2010
FL 1 Contacts............1308 10/11/2008
FL 1 Coupling.............1308 2/1/2011
FL 1 Disch Screw........1308 12/21/2010
FL 1 Drag....................163 1/12/2011
FL 1 E&I.....................436 4/26/2010
FL 1 Eccentric.............327 4/6/2011
FL 1 Expansion Joint.....327 7/14/2010
FL 1 Fan.....................187 2/18/2011
I have dates stretched at the top for several years. I want to know when each part will break multiple times.
What I have now is
=IF(AND("Last Failure"+"MTBF">"Date1","Last Failure"+"MTBF"<Date2),X,"")
and it drags on for several different date values.
However that will only account for the first failure. Is it possible to make an If statement that has unlimited ands, like for any integer*MTBF. Or if there is a way make a VB function that would be very helpful.
Please ask questions if this is not explained clearly.