
  1. C


    I would like to consolidate columns A2:I2 based on the criteria that A2:D2 are the same on the next row. I have attached photos of the whole document to provide how this is supposed to work. I cannot seem to figure out consolidation and I maybe overlooking it. I have the code pasted below...
  2. Rob_010101

    Excel (Formula/VBA) Help: Two sheets into one

    Hello, I have an absence tracker which records absence in a current 6-month rolling period and a previous 6-month rolling period. Each occasion of absence is recorded as a separate row and absence is manually added to the "current 6 month" sheet daily (as it occurs). A piece of VBA code then...
  3. M

    Handling formulas as values & Ignore blanks - Using array to consolidate data

    Hi, As title suggests, I'm using an array for data consolidation. I keep erroring when trying to copy columns with any formulas in them... is there any way around this when using this method ? I would also really like to ignore blanks cells & not bring them into the array. Sub Arraycol()...
  4. U

    Help VBA code for Consolidating multiple workbooks into a masterfile

    Hi please me create a VBA code for consolidating multiple workbooks into 1 worksheet or master file. I have multiple workbooks saved in location: C:\Users\Files = (all workbooks has random filename) Each workbooks has only a single sheet with different sheet name I wanted to only consolidate...
  5. C

    Merge tables/cells from multiple worksheets

    I have a workbook that contains several worksheet, each with exactly the same layout but differing data. This is an expense report and each worksheet is a different employee's expense report. Each sheet has varying numbers of entries, and is broken into (possibly) two pages. Page 1 and page 2...
  6. D

    Data consolidation with permanent cell and IF statement

    Hello, im having trouble with coming up with a formula for the following case: We have sheet with data about different products: Product Quantity Location Product 1 5 1-1-1 Product 1 10 1-1-1 Product 1 5 1-1-2 Product 2 10 1-1-2 Product 3 5 1-1-2 Product 3 10 1-1-3 Our...
  7. T

    Forumla Help

    I know this is probably something simple that I am just not thinking of but I'm struggling here and wanted to see if I could get some advise! I have imported sales data into a spreadsheet over a large period of time, it has imported at one day per tab and has 133 tabs of unique data. I need to...
  8. M

    Consolidate by reference - automatically select data

    Hello, I've workbook with some 100 sheets. This number increases each week. In each sheet there is a table with different dates and values assigned to these dates. Each sheet has a same structure. The difference is only in the entered dates. I have to consolidate by dates to get sum of...
  9. G

    Excel Tables - appropriate to use?

    Hi, I have a workbook that is comprised of around a dozen worksheets, each containing data from a different source. There is also a single consolidation worksheet in which I extract the relevant data from the other spreadsheets, using VLOOKUP, SUMIFS and INDEX/MATCH. As a general...
  10. G

    consolidation of multiple excel workbooks to one workbook

    i have multiple workbooks with same type of data. i want all this workbook to be consolidated to one workbook.
  11. G

    Consolidation of excel sheet

    I have multiple excel sheet with same header. I want to merge the data in these excel sheet to one excel sheet with the help of macros. Can any one help.
  12. Jerry Sullivan

    VBA: Deleting Worksheet Consolidation References

    Hi all, We have some legacy workbooks that have numerous Consolidation references that need to be removed. The references can be deleted manually using the Data tab > Data Tools group > Consolidate button A web search shows some examples of how to Add Consolidation references using VBA, but I...
  13. L

    3d formula vs Data consolidation

    Hi I am reading about 3D formula. I found that it does not come with any new idea! It is very similar to Data Consolidation (Data-->Consolidate), am I right? if yes, then why I have one another? Thank you.
  14. S

    VBA: Opening multiple hyperlinks to excels and copying data to a consolidation excel file

    Need I have a file where in column “C” I have a list of different hyperlinks to excel workbooks stored on SharePoint (number of rows and links is different every month, but approx. 140). I want to retrieve information from these hyperlinks (the information needed is all in one range on a hidden...
  15. F

    Consolidate two columns in one sheet with VBA- HELP PLEASE

    HI everyone! I am trying to consolidate data from two columns next to each other for a macro. When I recorded the macro, it gave me this code in VBA: Selection.Consolidate Sources:= _ "'C:\Users\random\Desktop\[DensityTest.csv]DensityTest'!R2C2:R823C3", _ Function:=xlSum...
  16. J

    Consolidating Workbooks in a folder into one Workbook

    Hello all, I am brand new to the forum and have done a search for the answer I am looking for but none of the current posts do what I want and I have got in a bit of a muddle now, so I decided to ask outright - I hope someone with a brain much bigger than my own can help me solve my problem...
  17. D


    I have a list of employees and their manager's names. I need to consolidate the list so each manager name appears only once in column A and each employee is in a column to the right of the manager name. Ideally, the employees' names would be alphabetized from left to right, as well. Here is a...
  18. P

    How to combine datasets

    I have three data sources that I need to consolidate into a single data source: 1. A list of maintenance periods which are uniquely (no repeats) identified by 4 letters and 3 digits, for example CANS118. The Maintenance Periods mentioned in the data sources below will be listed it this list...
  19. H

    Module Crashing Excel but Don't know why

    Hi guys so I have a module that is crashing excel every time and I don't know why. I will paste it below. This path does not have two string variables declared; destinationpath and sourcepath When I try to add the declarations (as seen below), then press f8 to step through the module, the...
  20. S

    consolidation of two sheets with partially different column headers

    Hello MrExcel community, I've been looking for a solution of my issue and couldn't find any coherent help. I have two sheets which have specific names. Let's say "sheet 1" and "sheet 2". How can I consolidate the data per VBA in a newly created sheet if sheet 1 and sheet 2 have columns that...

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