
  1. F

    Master Convert from Fractional Feet and Inches to Decimal

    Hey Team, I know this topic has been covered a lot but I have yet to find a signal formula to handle all of the possible situations. I am trying to convert fraction feet and inches to decimal feet (Or inches whatever is easier). The possible situations include Inches with fractions B3, whole...
  2. D

    Excel table conversion

    Hey everyone, I want to take this sort of table: ABCDEF1KeyWords21bb132bb243bb354bb465bb5cc5dd576bb6cc6dd687bb7cc7dd798bb8109bb91110bb101211bb111312bb12cc12dd12ee12ff12 and convert it into this kind of table: AB17WordsKey18bb1119bb2220bb3321bb4422bb5523cc5524dd5525…… How would I do that? Any...
  3. M

    Help With Date Stored as text to Date

    Hello Excel Masters I'm looking for a formula to convert the below text in cell A1 into the date Mar 20 A1 = March 20, 2023 at 10:21AM The formula needs to work for any month and day, for example in 6 months the formula would convert September 21, 2023 at 11:21AM Thank you in advance
  4. E

    Convert Calls Intervals

    Hi have a question related to covert number of calls from a cumulative total per day to a calls per hour like this.... Calls that need to be converted to hourly are on cells B3 to G23. As example we take B3 = 25 and try to split on cells B12 to B14 with this formula...
  5. E

    Convert historical date to same date in FY 2022

    I'm trying to convert a historical date to the same date in U.S. Government fiscal year 2022 and could use some help with the formula. For illustration, I've provided below a sample historical date which I want to convert to the same date in FY22. Sample historical date: 07/23/01 Fiscal year...
  6. R

    Converting whole number to HH:MM:SS

    Hi! New user to Power BI here and trying to learn how to convert a whole number to a HH:MM:SS format. I've done quite a bit of research but can't seem to find an exact solution online for what I need. I'm currently screening transaction ledgers and the date/time stamp is significantly important...
  7. N

    Julian date and time conversion.

    Having some problems getting the correct month and days to populate. Does anyone have a good formula to convert a 4 digit Julian date and copy the time over from one cell to the adjacent cell. data I have: 2182/0950 (yddd/hhmm) conversion I am trying to achieve: 1 July/0950
  8. Z

    Convert Longitude & Latitude Start and End Coordinates into Nautical Miles (no API)

    I am trying to convert the START and END latitude and longitude coordinates I have into nautical miles. I read here that I had to convert my latitude and longitude (in degrees) to radians which I did by using the =RADIANS function. My situation is as follows: I have a start and finish lat and...
  9. J

    Macro conversion help needed (2013 to 365)

    Hi i have an macro that saves a pdf and then emails out statements. But on conversion from 2013 to 365 it no longer works. Could anyone have a look over the code and see if they can see what the issue is i.e. whats changed between versions that i need to update? Any help appreciated. Sub...
  10. H

    Calculating The Impact of Volume and Conversion Rate Changes

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to calculate the impact three ever changing variables are having on our month on month performance. We have 10 buckets that are filled with applications and the scenario is: The total number of applications changes month on month The % of total applications that sit...
  11. R

    Conversion of column list to comma delimited string

    Is there a macro I can use that would convert this... <tbody> USA Germany Chile France Turkey Indonesia </tbody> to this.... USA,Germany,Chile,France,Turkey,Indonesia The column will have always data in Column A and rows could vary in terms of data input.
  12. R

    PDF to Excel conversion through VBA

    Hi All, Can anyone suggest if PDF to excel conversion is possible through VBA. I search many websites about that but got no solution. Please note my PDF can be multiple pages.
  13. V

    Automatic conversion of the currency

    Hello! I have a table to be filled in with the prices of some products from different offers. Some products are acquired in the Euro currency and the others in the RON currency. My question is if is any possibility (macros, formulas) so that when I insert the value expressed in one currency...
  14. J

    Batch conversion for coordinates - Northings and eastings to OS grid

    Hi Everyone, Has anyone got/seen/aware of a batch conversion tool that I can use to get the 10km OS Grid ref from a list of Northings and easting? I've a list that's 3,000 long so can't contemplate doing them manually/singularly using the tools I can see online and don't know where to start to...
  15. P

    CSV data conversion

    Hello there, Since I installed office 2019 Excel I got data conversion problem when opening a CSV file. problem : when opening a genuine csv file form bank or postal account some lines show data on conol B or C So if a run data conversion I got a message telling that this action will...
  16. K

    Conversion to MD5 format

    Hi, Can you help me on how to convert string in excel to MD5 Format. Regards, Kissy
  17. J

    Importing Excel Spreadsheet Automatically Without Conversion Error

    Hello, I'm trying to setup a macro that will allow me to upload a spreadsheet "ABC.xlsx" each time I run it; however, I keep getting a conversion error. The reason appears to be some data is not yet populated (blanks). Is there a way to import the data so everything is short text so everything...
  18. R

    Converting dates to standard format

    <colgroup><col style="width:48pt" width="64"> </colgroup><tbody> 26.05.18 10.05.18 19.04.18 I'm importing dates that look like this. I'm trying to get - 26/05/18 or 26/5/18 or 26/05/2018 or 26/5/2018 Any of these will do...
  19. P

    Complex Sumproduct Formula Not Translating to Google Sheets

    I'm trying to convert a model that has a complex sumproduct formula: "=SUMPRODUCT($AX14:CB14,N(OFFSET($BX$4:DB$4,0,COLUMN(DB$4)-COLUMN($BX$4:DB$4))))" And once the column count gets to 31 (range of AX->CB...BX->DB), I get the following error: "SUMPRODUCT has mismatched range sizes. Expected...
  20. R

    Converting fractions to decimals

    I have data which looks like this - 9/4 JF 6/4 F 5/2 F 2/1 F etc etc Using this formula I can convert these to - 9/4 6/4 5/2 2/1 ' =IFERROR(LEFT(T136,FIND("/",T136)+1),T136) But what I'm really looking for is - 2.25 1.5 2.5 2 I'm happy to use an extra column to achieve my goal but if it can...

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