copy and paste

  1. Q

    Copying from one Worksheet to another repeatedly.

    I would like to copy from Cells O4:O9 in Sheet 1. The destination would be a transposed paste result into A1:F1 in Sheet 2. I would like the information to remain their temporarily. Then, if I run the macro again, I would like it to copy the new data in O4:O9, but this time paste into A2:F2 on...
  2. CephasOz

    Copy visible cells to visible cells

    Looking through the Excel articles, I was inspired by the article by Akuini Excel VBA: easy way to paste to visible cells. My code below takes into account hidden rows and columns in both source and destination. It also ensures that overlapping cells of source and destination are not copied; it...
  3. D

    VBA copy based on column header

    I've no idea where to start with this so any help appreciated What I would like to do is search through an active worksheet until I find a specific column header ("Origin") in row 1, copy the entire column contents (minus the row 1 header) and paste it to a specific cell (D50) on another...
  4. B

    VBA-Copy & Paste Merged Cell into Merged Cell

    I'm trying to copy and paste cells from sourceSheet to destSheet. The macro works fine if it's not a merged cell, however, when it comes to merged cells it doesn't paste in the values. Can someone help me with the merged cell block below? It's fine to assume if the sourceCell is a merged cell...
  5. K

    Help please - Code keeps pasting 34 rows instead of 1

    Hi my I want my code to copy and paste the column of data, to the next empty row in the stated sheet. It is currently copying the data to the row in the correct sheet, but doing 34 times. Can someone please help advise where I am going wrong? Sub CopyData() Application.ScreenUpdating...
  6. J

    Copy and Paste dynamic range

    I've got a workbook with 48 used columns. Of those 48 used columns I need to select and copy a range covering the contiguous first 29 columns. I need to be able to select which row to start the range on by using an inputbox and a find/match loop until the given string is found and a cell address...
  7. U

    Finding last row of column not recognizing all rows in column

    Hello, I've created a workbook with 4 worksheets that have been copied from other workbooks. In this workbook I'm trying to copy and paste all data from a column in sheet1 to sheet2. I'm using the following vba code: Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row...
  8. Jyggalag

    Edit email macro to ignore certain emails

    Hi all! I have the following email macro: Now, what I am wondering, is whether it might be possible to ignore certain emails from being targeted on the list that I have designed in my "for i = 2 to 10" code? A nice solution personally for me would be if I could simply just highlight the cell...
  9. C

    Copy And past Range in to email as text

    Hi all, please help I have the below code that creates a an email with subject and email address, I do not need/want a signature so its all good, but i cant get it to Copy and paste a set range from the Active Sheet in Excel. it has to be as text, not a picture as it needs to be read in by...
  10. I

    How to edit this copy and paste VBA code to include column offset value?

    Hi. I have this code that copied and pastes data from two different workbooks based on matching data. However, I also need to include the value in the fourth column over. So for example the last line should be something like. But I am getting an error on this line. Sht.Cells(f.Row...
  11. J

    I Feel Stupid Asking this question. (Copy an entire page of a sheet onto the SAME sheet, without having to manually update forumlas)

    Hi Folks! I am grateful for the help I have received in my vlookup issue, but am now left with a new problem.... I have created the following sheet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAEAFAGAHAI12Oil Burner Repairs - Domestic (Beckett, Carlin, Wayne)345Ask About Our Service Partner Savings...
  12. E

    Copy formula and paste into next cell down - updates references of formula

    Hello, Please could someone help. I have no idea how to edit it to get it to do what I want. If I fill down the formulas, the offset won't work because there is already numbers in the V column Here is my(someone wrote this for me originally) code: Sub RectangleRoundedCorners2_Click() Dim...
  13. I

    VBA - copy and paste data based on columns headers

    Hello. I have this code already that I found on this site and edited it a little bit to my fit my needs. I have two different workbooks. They each have most of the same headers but the order of them can be changed at random times unfortunately. So I need to copy and paste all the data from my...
  14. V

    VBA Macro to paste values from a list in multiple separate worksheets

    I have the an "Input" spreadsheet with a list of unique values. Then I have a series of worksheets that are identical templates. I want to past each unique value from the list on the "Input" sheet into the same cell within each of he separate worksheet templates. Ideally the macro / code...
  15. I

    Copy and paste VBA code including duplicate values

    Hi. So I have two workbooks here. I have attached screenshots of both. One is Pickorder. Column A lists the dispatch times. Column B has route codes. Column D has the dispatch areas. Column E has the dsp taking the route. For example, CX19 dispatches at 6:15:00, at STG.A01 for HIQL. I then have...
  16. I

    How to edit this copy and paste VBA code to not use a criteria if not found?

    Hello. I have this copy and paste code that copies cell values from one workbook to another. Copy from pickorder. Paste into wave planner. To match it up it gets the staging location in column D example, "STG.DD35" and the dsp in column E "M5DV." However sometimes this first sheet, referenced as...
  17. L

    VBA: Set active workbook when macro is run as 'thisworkbook'

    Hi There I have a workbook which is a newly opened excel workbook which is unsaved A user will paste data into this blank workbook and run a macro called 'termination' (which is residing in their personal.xlsb project) One of the actions of this macro is to open another workbook called...
  18. J

    VBA Copy and Paste Data from one workbook to another - specific columns

    Hi, I have a statement converted from pdf to excel. Unfortunately, the column headers above the data that I really need may lie on different rows, for e.g. row 17 or row 18. I have 3 columns I want to copy from the statement: Date (column B), Description (column C) and Amount (column D); then...
  19. M

    Record Macro to Copy & Paste as Values - paste into cells that might move up/down as rows above are added/deleted

    Hello! Can you help? This should be simple, right? I have two cells (eg. AC58 & AC59) with a % number in each. I need to copy & paste these numbers into the cells next to them (AD58 & AD59) - this is so I can re-use these numbers without creating a circular reference. When I do a simple...
  20. J

    VBA code to locate specific already filtered columns by name and paste into a new workbook

    Hi All, So to give some background, i have a large data set (60k plus rows and 90 plus columns) that i need to filter and create a new workbook using specific columns. The size of the file changes daily, and columns are taken out and added. So i had to keep updating the previous macro i had...

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