
  1. T

    Inserting a table into HtmlBody of email in vba

    I'm trying to insert a table whose content are contained on a spreadsheet (Let's say within the range A1:D4 as an example) into an email. I've written the body out in HTMLBody format and have followed the instructions from this guide to insert the table: Convert Excel Range Into HTML Table...
  2. B

    Send pdf - Mac

    Hi All, I'm trying to get a script that will send a pdf to a specified list of email addresses from within Excel 365. The main kicker is that the Mac version doesn't function the same as a PC version. I've broken this down into 2 pieces. 1) Attached the pdf : If I go to the menu item "Share"...
  3. brendalpzm

    Send email to several address from sharepoint list according to condition

    I have a sharepoint list where items are input from a form (List1) and another list with users and emails (List2). I want the flow to check whenever an item is created in List1 and look up in the List2 and get all the emails that are classified as Admin in the column Profile and send an email...
  4. R

    Inserting a mailto link into an email body to a customer, based on a cell value.

    I really don't know how to state this one better. I'm creating a spreadsheet that will take a customer's email address and Generate an email to inform them who the contacts for their selected job area are. I designed a sample spreadsheet: And my goal is to produce the email so it has a link...
  5. T

    Image object

    I'm trying to add an image into an email in vba. I've inserted the image into a sheet as I couldn't get the file location method to work. Here's my code for the relevant section in the email body: EmailBody = HelperSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 2")) It's highlighting the whole row and...
  6. T

    Using an if statement to add an attachment to an email

    I need to use an if statement to add an attachment to an email if cell G5 contains specific text (e.g. "Specific Text"). I've tried using If Range("G5").Value = "Specific Text" Then .Attachment.Add "C:\Documents\MadeUpFileLocation\ImageName.JPG" End If but the debug is highlighting the...
  7. A

    Automated email prompt

    Hi guys, i have threshold sheet and i want to excel send me an email about any material it will be out of stock so, i want a vba prompts to execute this issue to send me an email if there is a material is out of stock automatically. best regards
  8. T

    Auto Email list

    I'm currently trying to set up an automated email system. The system is supposed to go down a list of email addresses and email every customer. The code I have so far in vba is: Sub Email() Dim EmailSubject As String Dim SendTo As String Dim EmailBody As String Dim ccTo As String EmailSubject =...
  9. K

    VBA tips for sending daily emails from data in PDF

    Greetings to all, I am a beginer in VBA, looking for your help to use VBA to generate a daily email about daily production report from PDF file. Email containes a table highlighting production plan vs actual production and remarks column as such : Products Daily Actual production (from...
  10. C

    How to VBA things for weekly email

    Hi all Learning VBA slowly on my own and I have managed to write a script for me to send multiple emails weekly, however there are 2 things I would like to do…. when referencing a cell in the email body which is a negative value, I would like that text to be red, and a positive value the text...
  11. K

    LookuUp In VBA

    Hi all, I have the below code, currently I have hard coded the email to address but I have a list on a "Variables" tab, range J2:K10 (also below) with where the report should go. Rather than updating the code, I was wondering if I could lookup to this list and return the right to person...
  12. J

    Save outlook attachment without file extensions

    Hi all, Hoping this is a simple fix. I have the below script that I found on another forum that runs as a rule in Outlook to save .pdf email attachments with a timestamp that come from my printer. That part all works fine. The problem I'm having is that it will save the file with the .pdf as...
  13. J

    VB Macro for extracting Excel email address data to Outlook email draft

    Hello, I do found a VB formula in order to extract a set of email addresses from Excel to an Outlook email draft, so email drafting will be way easier especially if we maintain a lot of distribution lists for different email communications. My problem is I want to implement this to a...
  14. W

    VBA to get attachment from Outlook

    Hi! I have a macro that fetches a file from an email in Outlook every day, and then runs a number of other vba codes on it. The macro runs great, but only gets the file from "today" and if there is multiple emails it only collects the oldest one. As a workaround, I sometimes have to email...
  15. E

    Trying to add specific file types to an Email

    Trying to add all files specific types to an Email with a procedure at the moment it does a induvial email for each file type. Sub Send_Email(EmailTo As String, EmailCC As String, EmailBCC As String, EmailSubject As String, EmailBody As String, EmailAttachment As String) Dim EmailApp As...
  16. S

    Changing code to suit? HELP Plzzz

    Hi, I have been given a new task as I'm the most IT literate in the office. I've done a small bit of VERY basic VB coding/Macros. I've stumbled across a code here and wanted to know how I could edit it and implement it to work for my use case. I need to: Export a PDF to the same location...
  17. O

    Send automated emails from Excel Online / Office 365

    I am using Office 365, and am storing Excel files in the shared OneDrive. I would like Excel to send automated emails, either based on a dynamic schedule (e.g. storing a list of dates in one of the sheets), or being triggered by some data in one of the sheets that gets updated dynamically based...
  18. E

    FSOFile Not Working

    Hi Can`t understand why the FSOFile is not working it say`s wrong number of arguments error 450? Sub Send_Email(EmailTo As String, EmailCC As String, EmailBCC As String, EmailSubject As String, EmailBody As String, Optional EmailAttachement As String) Dim EmailApp As Object Dim...
  19. O

    Excel/VBA to conditionally send emails per schedule

    I am using Office 365 / Microsoft Forms to collect information from users within my organization (i.e. sign in is required to fill up the form). Let's say the goal is quality control, and a bunch of widgets are assigned to colleagues to test and rate. A specific widget (identified by...
  20. 2

    Copy table to email error

    Hello, I am attempting to copy part of my excel worksheet as a table to an email. I have a for loop that loops through every row, with "rw" being the variable used for that current row. When I use my code, it is only copying column G and I am unsure why. Help would be appreciated 'Set the...

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