excel macro

  1. R

    Needed Macro Code to create graphs

    Excel File Download Link I'm looking to generate a 2D line graph across multiple worksheets with varying amounts of row data. I need help creating the same type of graph depicted in an image for each worksheet. Could someone assist me in developing a macro code to achieve this task across all...
  2. M

    Unable to get the TextBoxes Property when login !

    Hello, I have created an excel sheet which have two textboxes "username" and "password" as a login system. I did not use the visual basic form to design. I have only insert 2 textboxes on the sheet and a picture as a login. if i click the picture it should login. its checking the password and...
  3. U

    Removing outlook signature in vba code

    Hi, I've been at this for hours, and for some reason even though my .oft does not have a signature, when I generate an outlook email from my .oft using vba, it adds my default signature to the bottom. Any ideas on how to remove this? I've tried every variation of code found online. thanks! Sub...
  4. Rob_010101

    Get Macro to Work on Multiple Sheets

    Hello, The below macro is assigned to a button on the ribbon and works on the "current 6 months" sheet. It looks down column B for "terminated" and deletes the row. It's currently restricted to only work on "current 6 months" sheet. Is there any way to add another sheet "Previous 6 months" to...
  5. M

    Macro to print sheets based on list

    Need help with macro to perform following task. 1. I have a file (Original file) with 5 sheets (Index, Report1, Report2, Report3, and Report4) 3. Colum C in Index sheet contains list of sheets which are to be sent for printing to the default printer (e.g. it contains Report1 and Report2 in...
  6. M

    Macro to create excel to pdf based on listed sheets

    Need help with macro to perform following task. 1. I have a file (Original file) with 5 sheets (Index, Report1, Report2, Report3, and Report4) 2. Colum B in Index sheet contains list of sheets for which pdf file is to be created (e.g. it contains Report1 and Report2 in cells B1 and B2...
  7. M

    Macro to copy listed sheets to a new file and save at same directory

    Need help with macro to perform following task. 1. I have a file (Original file) with 6 sheets (Index, Report1, Report2, Report3, Report4 and Data) 2. Report1, 2, 3 and 4 sheets are linked through formulas to 'Data' sheet 3. Colum A in Index sheet contain list of sheets to be copied to a new...
  8. B

    Unconsolidate data

    I have tried my hand at macos, and what's left of my hair is starting to fall out... could anyone help me with a macro to unconsolidate an excel file? If it was only a few I would just do it by hand, but I'm filling in for a co-worker who quit and this is nothing that I've done before, I'm in...
  9. A

    All Combinations No Duplicates Macro

    Hi, I have been using a macro I found in the forums (written by pbornemeier) to generate all possible combinations from multiple columns and remove duplicates having the same value in the same row. Is it possible to add functionality that would also remove row duplicates where the values are...
  10. N

    VBA to copy visible (NOT hidden) rows of data to another tab

    Hi, I came across a similar thread VBA to copy range data with all visible and invisible cells to another sheet on MrExcel.com and was hoping to get some assistance on my scenario which is as follows: What I have on a tab (name: origin) Station People Cars A 12 29 B 6 10 C 4 2 TBC...
  11. T

    Excel Solver Diffucult Problem

    Hello, Fabrics are to be cut to certain sizes. Example; 24 pieces of 225 cm 32 pieces of 175 cm 88 pieces of 150 cm 24 pieces of 75 cm 32 pieces from 50 cm 80 pieces from 35 cm These require 304 meters of fabric. One ball of fabric is 6 meters. 51 balls of fabric is enough without any loss...
  12. R

    Need VBA macro code to fill the data into Salary Slip template excel sheet from input file

    This is my Input File......... and this is the template file all the data will get fill into this template file.... But main scenario is ... For first Employee there is no data in HRA column so then it will remove HRA from Salary slip template file For second employee there is no data in...
  13. R

    How to pass values from one sheet to another sheet if condition met?

    This is my scenario I want to pass the values from sheet2 to sheet1 according to ID...in here from sheet2 id= 1 data=a will go into the sheet1 id=1 data column.... This is my expected output Is there any possible way to do this in excel using macros? Can anyone help me with this?
  14. R

    Excel Format changing automatically after 12Days of Dates

    I am trying to print the dates from 1 march to 16 march it's giving me properly dates till 12 march in "MM-dd-yyyy" format but after 12th of march its giving me wrong format.... I tried to remove the time manually but its giving me in the format of "dd-MM-yyyy" actually i want all the dates...
  15. R

    How to pass the variable in excel formula in macro?

    Sub test1() Sheets("FinalData").Select lastCol = Split(Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Address, "$")(1) Range("A2").Select Selection.End(xlToRight).Select ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Running" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Cycling"...
  16. P

    Urgent VBA help please :''FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False''

    Hi everyone I'm just having a sorting error in my excel database. When I click the sort data button - this error appears: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _ "https://glennonbrothersgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DTE/Projects/Programme/DTE_Programme.xlsm" _ ...
  17. S

    Excel macro for mail merge and password protected pdf

    Hi, Thank you for reading this post. I need your help. I have some data an excel.. let's say column A has clients name and column B has clients email address. Column C sales figures. What I want is that I want to use excel macro so that 1) I can send email to each clients individually. 2)...
  18. J

    Excel macro for Remove comma's and spaces from a cell and place the data in different cell

    I have a excel sheet where in Sheet 1, data start from B3 and in B3, the data are like 7, 131, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, in a cell and in C3 and D3 a value is assigned against them, the cells are not merged. I want to separate the data 7, 131, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 etc into individual cells in...
  19. K

    vba code to select file and unzip files in a different folder with different name

    HI All, Am looking for a vba code to select a file from a folder and unzip the file in a different folder with different file name. Can you please assist me with the code. Thanks in advance.
  20. D

    How do I get Excel VBA (with Solver) to choose the best value

    Good morning/afternoon! So I have a little problem. I have a large data set shown below: And the following fields, where "Drilled Hole Volume" and ""Volume of Bolt" remain unchanged and static. The only field changing here is the "Volume of Cartridge". Basically I'd like some sort of VBA code...

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