
  1. Jyggalag

    Help me expand my formula please :(

    Hi all, I have this formula: Formula: =IF(J4=""; IF(I4>P4; "G4 grant bigger than Total grant (IA) by " & TEXT(ROUND(I4-P4; 2); "0.00") & " DKK"; ""); IF(J4>P4; "G5 grant bigger than Total grant (IA) by " & TEXT(ROUND(J4-P4; 2); "0.00") & " DKK"; "")) I want to expand it, so that it looks my...
  2. staticfluids

    Dynamic Array Formula (FILTER) But Show the Other Criteria with Blank

    Hi, first of all, sorry for my bad English. I have been looking for a solution here, trial and error by myself, and the Microsoft forum as well. But haven't found any solution that satisfies the needs. I think it's possible but I don't know how to put it into Excel formula. The logic is like...
  3. F

    A different formula similar to an If statement

    I make use of the If statement a lot and sometimes the formula returns a 0. When the main formula returns a zero I want it to show the dash character so I usually make a formula like this: =If(*Formula* = 0,"-",*Formula*) My main question is if there is a way to not have to repeat the formula...
  4. Rob_010101

    Formula Help

    Hello =IF(OR(ISBLANK(B3)), "", SUM(B3)*NETWORKDAYS("01/01/2023", "31/12/2023", 'Lists (Hide)'!$D$2:$D$26)/2) If I enter non-numerical value in column "B" where the above formula sums from, it returns "0". I was planning to use IFERROR with the above formula to return a message if a...
  5. B


    Days of the week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Days Number Day =IFERROR(IF(A10=1,A2, IF(A10=2,A3,IF(A10=3,A4,IF(A10=4,A4,IF(A10=5,A6,IF(A10=6,A7,IF(A10=7,A8))))))), "PLEASE ENTER NUMBERS BETWEEN 1AND 7")...
  6. J

    IFERROR for a multiple selection range

    I’m trying to find the sum of a given range ignoring errors. The formula I’m using goes like this: =SUM( IFERROR( (A1,A10,A15,…) ,0) ) Which works with horizontal(A1:B1),vertical (A1:A2) and mixed(A1:B2) ranges. But not with multiple selection ranges. Is there a way to make this work with a...
  7. A

    IfError VBA Returning 0 as text and I need it as a number

    I have been at this for over an hour now and can't seem to find an answer or figure it out. I have this IfError VBA code I've been using that will return a 0 for me. Sub WrapFormulasWIthIFERROR_0() Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Selection If Cell.HasFormula Then If...
  8. Jyggalag

    How to use OR formula in Excel correctly? With IF and LEFT

    Hi all, I am currently trying out this formula: Copy of my formula: =if(A5=Left(A5;5)="Bob G"OR(A5=Left(A5;5)="George G");"This formula works!";"This formula does not work!") Essentially, what I want to achieve is for my formula to return "This formula works!" if the value in cell A5 is...
  9. TheWaterDog

    IFERROR with IF/AND to catch between 2 dates with multiple results......and failing miserably :(

    I know there are people who are going to want to pull their hair out at my stupidity - I want to apologise in advance but I'm so stuck and I don't even know why. Sheet 1 is Schedule Data (B4:Z4999) Start Date is Column Y End Date is Column Z Data I want to be returned is Column B Sheet 2 is...
  10. N

    IFS, rounding and absolute values

    I am not sure if I am over complicating this or not. I have the following set up and while excel is great and accurate I need to figure out how to achieve the result I want. So I have this formula in my size column -...
  11. A

    Iferror miscalculation

    Interesting one for you all - Excel 365. If I use a simple formula to subtract 1-1 I get, as you would expect a 0 (Row 2) However, if I nest this inside an iferror formula I get a very strange answer (yellow cell). (Row 3) Anyone any thoughts on why this is happening?
  12. Jyggalag

    Get formula that pulls a number from a sentence in a cell

    Hi all! I have this setup (albeit much larger in reality): Every statement has a sentence with "XYZ employees". Is there a formula that can detect when a sentence says a number, followed by the string value "employees", and then return the value of the number? So that formula can fill out...
  13. Jyggalag

    Merge multiple email cells into one cell?

    Hi all, I currently have this setup: My VBA code is this ( credits to @RoryA :) ) Option Explicit Private Const FilePath As String = "\\UBSPROD.MSAD.UBS.NET\userdata\t684895\home\Documents\faq folder\" Sub send_email_complete() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim i...
  14. Jyggalag

    Object out of range VBA error?

    Hi all, I have a sheet with an email in cell A64. I am trying to create a macro that will send an email to this email, but when I click my macro I get this error: and debug highlights this: Did I not do it correctly? What do I need to fix? Thank you all! BR. Jyggalag
  15. Jyggalag

    Email macro

    Hi all, I currently have this code: Option Explicit Private Const FilePath As String = "\\COMPANY.MTJG.COMPANY.NET\userdata\t6853532895\home\Documents\TEST folder\" Sub send_email_complete() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim i As Long Dim ws As Worksheet Dim...
  16. Jyggalag

    Refer to cell using date format with formula?

    Hi all, I have the following formula: It checks if the cell in C9 is blank (which it is not, the text is just hidden) and then returns the current date of today. However, I am also referring to cell C7 in another cell, specifically like this: My issue is, obviously, that the cell...
  17. Jyggalag

    Conditional formatting based on color?

    Hi all, I have this file: How do I make a conditional formatting formula (or whatever it takes) so if the COLOR (not the text!), but the color in column C is red, then the color for the respective cell ("hello" and "this" in cell A1 and A3) will also turn red? Hope my question makes sense...
  18. Jyggalag

    Create macro that copy paste's data

    Hi all, I am having a huge issue at the moment with some macros i created (through record macro). Basically, I have this excel sheet: I tried to record some macro's, where once I press unfreeze, they post this formula: =IF(ISBLANK(B9),"",TODAY()) for the left one...
  19. Jyggalag

    Implement IFERROR formula for data in Pivot Table?

    Hi all, I have this data sheet: I have turned it into percentages and I assume that the top value (0.36% & -1.52%) are the sums of my columns (I am very new to Pivot, sorry). But I have #DIV/0! errors! :( Is there a way in which I can implement an IFERROR formula for my entire pivot table...
  20. Jyggalag

    Save file as PDF in VBA (macro)?

    Hi all, I currently have the following setup: I have marked everything that I want to be exported into a PDF, which works when I manually save the file as a PDF. However, I do also have a macro ("Save file to folder") as seen above, which saves the file (albeit as an Excel file) to my...

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