index & match

  1. F

    Replace all IFERROR & INDEX & MATCH formulas with XLOOKUP

    Is it possible to replace all formulas containing IFERROR, INDEX and MATCH formulas with XLOOKUP? For example: this "IFERROR(INDEX(TB!B3:L9999;MATCH(A112;TB!A3:A9999;0);10);0)" to this "XLOOKUP(A112; TB!A3:A9999; TB!K3:K9999; 0)" <- (I assume this is a correct 1:1 replacement of the above)...
  2. T

    Finding second positive number in row

    The formula I used below allows me to find the first positive number in the row. I cant seem to get it to help me find the second positive number after. I would also need it to find the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. =INDEX($J$8:$S$8,MATCH(1,INDEX(--($J$8:$S$8>0),1,0),0))
  3. N

    What should I do in order to solve an inconsistent reference error when using INDEX/MATCH?

    Hello everyone, I have an issue with an INDEX/MATCH function, and I would very much appreciate your help! For context: In the "CO" tab, I have one table with data for 11 different neighborhoods (names are in row 6) for all years from 2001 to 2033 (years are in column C). Starting from 2027...
  4. E

    Trial Balance, INDEX/MATCH, Multiple Criteria, and SPILL

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to automate some reconciliations at my accounting job and running into some trouble. I saw some great threads here, but could not find my use case, so I wanted to ask. For some reason, I feel like it is a stupid error, as I usually can navigate INDEX/MATCH relatively...
  5. S

    VBA VLOOKUP with multiple conditions

    Hello! I have a workbook that lists products we sell, for who, when and how many we have sold of each product. I would like to add macro into workbook, which based on multiple criterias can figurate the exact matching and return the requested relevant information, what I need. To simplify my...
  6. C

    Index Match (find the next highest value) + multiple criteria

    Hi all, I am trying to do an index match with multiple criteria, but not to return an exact value and I'm having trouble doing it. Can anybody help? The idea is the following: I need to find the payment value (column B) for occurence #55 in IL If there was no "state" column, I would use the...
  7. E

    How to have index match sum all matches

    I need a formula that will sum together the values of the 4101, 4119, and 4122 that are labeled March in row 9. I can get it to return the first value the index match throws back, but I am having trouble adding the sum formula into it. Help would be much appreciated.
  8. J

    Sum data in a range based on a column and row and an equation

    Hi I have reached the edge of my knowledge and need some assistance. I have a sheet that tracks crops and input chemicals, I need to summaries this into a table so that I can budget the cost based on the month the item is consumed. In Sheet 1. Data The first few columns are for the row...
  9. D

    Using Vlookup or Index/Match across 2 workbooks

    Hello Struggling to get a Vlookup or an Index with Match to lookup a table of data in one workbook and get any corrresponding data from the other. I have a list of products in my first workbook which has monthly units sold in it. The second workbook has a manually copied Pivot Table of...
  10. V

    filter data or any other option - don't want to copy formula in all cells

    Hi, we have the data in sheet1 and sheet2 and using index and match formula, its working fine but we don't want to drag and drop formula from C2:C4 and again we have used formula in D2:D4, there is any formula from which we can get desired result so that don't do drop down SHEET1 125024568765...
  11. H

    Index and match formula that ignores dynamic value

    Hi all I have the following sheet and I'm trying to use an index and match fomrula but it ignores a dynamic value. In colum O13, I'm using the index and match to return the person with the lowest value. This works as intended but I need a way to continue this but to ignore the name/person from...
  12. N

    Index Match after sorting

    I have one excel file that has two tabs that i want to work together. In Tab1 i want the priority list to be updated manually. Then on tab2 i want the priority list to be filled automatically from tab1. The order numbers will be in different sequence on both tabs so i want the priority to...
  13. W

    Lookup function with multiple criteria

    I have a dataset shown below that is used for production scheduling. I would like to be able to look up by the bay number and the date and return the job # and the phase that the date falls in. If I reorganize the data, I can use an index match and concatenate function. However, the scheduler...
  14. M

    Index and Match with 2 array Prob's

    hello, I want to use the index and match formula but with 2 adjacent arrays (OH & OJ), is there a formula that I can add ? please help 😄
  15. T

    Index match with multiple criteria, sheets & columns

    Hello All, I am trying to get a Index Match formula to work on my sheet Currently I am trying to use the following but its not working. =INDEX(NewDemand!$A$1:$CA$55,MATCH($C$1,NewDemand!$A$1:$A$55,0),MATCH($E18,NewDemand!$A$1:$CA$1,0),MATCH($O$1,NewDemand!$Q$1:$Q$55,0)) First Sheet...
  16. W

    Dynamic worksheet look up - index match 2-way look up

    Hi there, I have an index match match 2-way look up, which returns data based on another tab. (The index match does a vertical look up and then a horizontal one). The formula works fine, but I would like to introduce a variable into the formula to so it looks up the 'correct' tab, corresponding...
  17. Z

    Index/Match for a number in a range

    Hello, I'd like to do a multiple criteria lookup to find the cost per unit of a book. I'd normally use Index and match to do this but I'm having trouble because one of my lookups is not exact and is in a range. I tried doing boolean logic with an xlookup, but I can't get it to work unless...
  18. k3yn0t3


    Hi there. Can anyone help me with an indirect with nested index match formula that's dynamic enough to allow me to get values from other sheets which change depending on the Factory and Metric I need them for? My hope is to have one formula that's dynamic to copy it across and down as the file...
  19. k3yn0t3

    INDEX(MATCH()) pulling wrong row data & Macro to duplicate sheets with formulas

    Hi everyone. I have two sheets: (A) master sheet and (B) single store sheet (examples below). I'd greatly appreciate your help with two things: A Formula that dynamically populates rows 2-15 of Col B on "Store 1 Sheet" I tried this but it's off by one row... I think it's treating the "Store...
  20. J

    How to do a sum for multiple tables

    Hello, I am trying to figure out a formula to work out the cost of ingredients in different stores and then also look at the cost for the whole recipe at the same time. I have an example with really basic amounts in it just to give an idea. I have built it with a really basic =(A1 * I1) + (A2...

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