
  1. S

    Sorting through Data with Multiple Criteria (Index, Match, CountIF)?

    Hello, I am trying to itemize expenses by division of operations for my farm. I have a list of every expense made throughout the year. I need it summarized but flexible enough to account for differently named items that may be purchased in the future. Per my image uploaded: I am looking to...
  2. S

    Horizontal Return

    Hi I need to horizontally look at a data set & return the date of the most recent sale. in this example, 2 sales occurred in April 2024, so cell A2 returns 4/30/2024. A3 returns 1/31/2024 b/c 3 sales most recently occurred in Jan 2024. A1 return Formula 06/30/2024 05/31/2024 04/30/2024...
  3. SanjayGMusafir

    Index function stopped working

    Hi Experts Everything was going fine. Just now the following formula stopped working. I checked it, part by part. The INDEX function is giving error. In fact I realized the problem when found one of the Macro using same formula was not working as intended. Any suggestions Thanks in advance...
  4. M

    Finding cell with highest/lowest index from dropdown list?

    Wasn't too sure how to word this, but here is the situation: - A table ("Table1") with several columns; focus is on columns 1,2,4 - Column 4 contains a dropdown menu, which uses the list called "Steps", which is defined as G2:G6 - I need to find a given person's most/least progressed step (the...
  5. K

    Return Column header for MAX/MIN Value

    I have a spreadsheet that has the counts the number of instances on a daily basis. Under the table I have a breakout that finds the MAX and MIN number of instances. I would like to add a second cell next to that that returns the column header (Date) for the max or min value that is found. Im...
  6. H

    Lookup (or Search) for a value in one column across a range of columns, then return the corresponding value for a different column

    I have a data set that includes alternate SKU's for products. The alternate SKU's may be in any one of 31 different columns. I have a list of alternate SKU's that I want to look for i the range. When found, I want the formula to return the corresponding value in a different column. This will be...
  7. D

    Lookup value based on two column criteria

    i have been trying to solve the following issue: i have a very long column of values (in this case there are only two values = FY23, FY24, with FY23 always coming before FY24) and another column values (all zeroes except one value >0 in an FY23 row and one value >0 in an FY24 row) i want to...
  8. N

    MATCH and INDEX help

    Can anyone assist with unpuzzling what I did wrong with this formula? I am still learning how to create MATCH and INDEX formulas. Because of the vast amount of information in the file I would prefer not sharing the cleaned file because of how long it would take to scrub it clean. If I must, I...
  9. D

    Find a cell in a table, and return the value above

    So I'm trying to return a cell value from a table, relating to a text based cell as the searching tool. It's actually part of a larger formula, but the rest is straight forward. I am trying to return a result where if the day of the week changes in A2, it changes what cell I use in a formula in...
  10. J

    Most frequently occurring text in array formula

    Hi all, I am trying to create a formula which finds the most frequently occurring text value (all entries all text) in an areay I am using INDEX(D4:D7,MODE.SNGL(MATCH(D4:D7,D4:D7,0))) but this only works for single columns or single rows not a 3x3 or ZxZ array for example Can someone please...
  11. E

    How to have index match sum all matches

    I need a formula that will sum together the values of the 4101, 4119, and 4122 that are labeled March in row 9. I can get it to return the first value the index match throws back, but I am having trouble adding the sum formula into it. Help would be much appreciated.
  12. S

    lookup return from range of dates

    I need to lookup & return an interest rate between date ranges. Any date between June 1, 2020 - March 31, 2022; return 2.00% Any date between April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023; return 3.00% data table 2.00% 6/1/2020 3/31/2022 3.00% 4/1/2022 6/30/2023 3.92% 7/1/2023 12/31/2023 5.33%...
  13. A

    SUM function not functioning

    Hi, I am able to assemble a cell range (O21:O162) using this formula: =CONCATENATE("O21:O",ROW(XLOOKUP(INDEX(B21:B670,MATCH(TRUE,B21:B670<0,0)),B21:B670,A21:A670))) But when I insert it into a sum function, I get a #VALUE! error. Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong...
  14. P

    How to use a MATCH helper column containing rows from a different sheet and INDEX in an array formula to return based on data in the helper column?

    I am trying to use MATCH and INDEX to improve performance on a google sheet that has way too many XLOOKUP functions. I have a helper column (DH) that lists the matching ROW I need from the Visibility sheet. This formula returns the expected result from column 9 on the Visibility sheet, where...
  15. R

    vlookup, INDEX, or SUMPRODUCT???

    This hopefully comes through okay. I am looking to automate the information going into columns G and H. I highlighted the date ranges to make this a bit clearer. In the real world I will have "Source 2" with samples every 10 minutes. "Source 1" is just whenever a fault occurs. The goal is...
  16. C

    Index/Match | Index/Small Formula

    Hello experts, I am looking for assistance with my formula. I am using an index/small formula in the following scenario: I am pasting raw data into Tab A, which includes status (example: Active, Inactive), and additional rows of data. In Tab B, is a summary table, that pulls rows of data from...
  17. D

    Search 2 columns, for MATCH in column in a second sheet, insert value

    Hi, I have 2 sheets, I want to search / match Sheet2 cols A or B with the value in Sheet3 col. C, if there's a match I also need both col A & B in Sheet2 to be numeric (neither cell blank), if these criteria are met then Sheet3 col D = "BZ" else blank. What's the best way to do this? Any help...
  18. B

    Find column by header AND filter by another column?

    I'm working on a table that references another and returns the number of employees in each of several regions, by year. The source table includes a row for each employee, with a value of '1' in the column for each year they worked: Destination Table: Year Region Employees 2020 a 1 2020 b...
  19. S

    Count across a data set or index

    Hi, I need a count formula that counts names across multiple columns. I need to know how many people attended Philadephia. The answer is 5. Then pull the formal down to know how many attended Orlando = 6. please note the blank cells are blank b/c there is a formula iferror return "" A1 first...
  20. skyh3ck

    1st match column header, 2nd lookup a value in same column, 3rd return corresponding value from the very first column ?? need help

    Hello guys i have a data base where i want to first find the column header, 2nd in same column find a certain date, and 3rd return correponding date from same row 1st column. So i have prepared one sample excel file Sheet one - Calc - where user can enter the class and dates Sheet two - Log...

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