
  1. A

    Print PDF with multiples tabs

    Hello, I am looking for a Macro that I can use to print a PDF: 3 tabs document, but print 1 time Tab#1, "n" times Tab#2, and 1 time Tab#3, where "n" is a cell in Tab#3. Hope someone can help me with this request. Thanks, AR EDIT: The output should be just one document
  2. J

    Assistance with excel macro

    Good afternoon, I need help to develop a macro for a button. I have an SS where i paste in a string of text to cell A1 for example HLX/DBI/123456 Bloggs, Mr Joe I have a button and macro that removes the forward slash /, the spaces, the comma and full stops and replaces them with an...
  3. A

    Macros Help - How to show Values from data pulled?

    Good morning all, I am working on a macro for a spreadsheet that has 20k different rows. To make it easier, I am trying to see if I can build a macro for it, but this is not my strong suit. My end goal is that if I input values to look up, and it finds a matching value, I want to pull the data...
  4. P

    Print sequential dates skipping certain days

    Hello all, I have created a production spreadsheet for work and and have set it to automatically print everyday of the month. The below is the macro that I used for this (stolen from Google) Sub meddaydate() Dim d1 As Date Dim d As Date Application.ScreenUpdating = False d1 =...
  5. W

    Macro - Auto-email for monthly KPIs updates across all departments

    Dear, I hope your day went well! I need help in writing the one VBA to create an automatic email for monthly KPIs updating across all departments with the live Excel file (link file), and I want to send a separate e-mail to each proponent with its live link so they can update their inputs...
  6. edge37

    Help modifying a code for filling blanks in selected range with zeroes

    Hi, I am using this code to fill a selected range of cells with zeros if they are blank, the thing is that this code fills the blank cells one by one, and could take some time to finish. Can you help me please modify this code so it fills blank cells from a selected range all at once...
  7. amadams

    Macro to AutoSave Excel Spreadsheets Using Different File Names

    I am working on a Spreadsheet for work for the safety checks we do every 15 minutes. I have it completed all except this last part. I need help with a Macro or something so that each spreadsheet opened will autosave using a different filename with the date of the spreadsheet autosaved in the...
  8. K

    VBA Excel, Error code 91

    Hello, I was using this macro for a form and one day, it stopped to work and I got the error 91 The thing I don't understand, i have this error only for lines in bold and red. Does someone have a solution for this please ? Thank you ! Sub Save_SharePoint_A_Initiation() Dim Leader As...
  9. E

    Problem Adding formulas in different cells with VBA

    Hey! I want to add formulas to various cells in excel with VBA , the first two work really well , but in the third (bicipital) I always get a error saying that there is an error with the formula I have tried copying and pasting the first line that works and changing the name , still doesn't wort...
  10. R

    VBA to update Actuals & Forecast

    Hi, Im trying to copy the formula from one cell to another as the date of the actual month changes. As the date changes to 31/5/24 in AD5, i want to copy the formula from Apr24 to May24 & do that for each of the 3 blocks shown. It seems simple enough code to do for 5-10 of these blocks, but...
  11. R

    Looping Through Workbook and making pivot tables on each worksheet

    I have looked at other solutions and am close to having code working. However the code does not loop to the next sheet: Sub CreateAPivotTable() Dim shtSource As Worksheet Dim rngSource As Range, rngDest As Range Dim pvt As PivotTable For Each shtSource In...
  12. ukbulldog001

    Macro to count hyphenated range

    Dear MrExcelites, Need your help in modifying below macro to count hyphenated range as below. Sub ConcatenateRefDesignator() Dim a, w Dim i& a = Cells(2, 1).CurrentRegion With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For i = 2 To UBound(a) If Not...
  13. M

    VBA: Checking if a row exists with exact data in multiple columns

    I'm trying to write some VBA code that will tell me if a row containing exact data exists. The table (Table1) is formatted as a table with headers, and has 20 columns; the first three columns are what I am concerned with right now. - Some projects will have multiple associated sites - Some...
  14. A

    Add-In Macros not showing in Macro Menus

    Hello all, I am wondering if there is a way to get macros from installed add-ins to show up in the Macro list (the one that pops up when you click on "Macros" in the "Code" group of the Developer tab)? Currently my screen only shows macros saved in open excel workbooks. I have a lot of macros...
  15. D

    how to macro to auto sub-total and grand total of manpower plan used in the project

    I have "manpower plan" sheet, and the No. lists in Column "A from 1 to N (example is from 1 to 3), Month in row 2 from 1 to M (example is from “E” to “P”). Each time, I need to calculate the subtotal Manpower for each of Team (from 1 to N) including grant total for all teams by each month from 1...
  16. F

    Dynamic Macro to copy and paste

    I have 2 sheets, call it ‘upload’ and ‘final’. There are calculations that are run behind the scenes I.e. other tabs that require Columns E:AN from the upload tab to be copied and pasted one at a time to the Final tab. Need a macro, that essentially does this. Copies E56,E61,E66 from Upload tab...
  17. G

    Autofill to bottom of worksheet (macro not working)

    I have this excel macro below, where the majority of the code "seems fine" until the last row, when the runtime error comes up, stating "Autofill method of range class failed". Seems like the problem in the code is the "fillRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange" How would I fix this? Thanks...
  18. K

    issue with macro that fill a word document with text

    hello we have an excel sheet that contain a macro who create a word document every time we running it it fill all line with "all tests" even if the line 7 is empty. not sure why. plus the word doc created put text sometime in 2 lines instead of 1 here the code : Sub Main()...
  19. S

    Use excel to populate chart

    Hi - I have an excel table with 6 Columns (fixed) and then I want to be able to fill in as much content in the rows without limitation. Problem: I want the table contents to fill into the charts and automatically and automate adjust, so that it’s easy to read with the same excel sheet if...
  20. Rob_010101

    Mail Merge Macro - Saves to PDF/Word

    Hello I use a macro to save mail merged documents into word and PDF files; very handy. I must select all the rows above the row I need in the recipient list for it to work. If I only ticked "Sam" and left "Connor" and "Vincent" unticked, the macro will produce a "runtime error 5631" on...

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