mail merge

  1. D

    Can't get MailMerge to work through VBA

    I'm trying to populate a Word document with info from a spreadsheet. I created Merge fields in the Word doc, e.g. <<Patient_Name>>. The excel book I'm testing with has two tabs, one called Sheet1 that has a row with the field names and a row with the values, the other sheet just has a button I...
  2. Rob_010101

    Mail Merge Macro - Saves to PDF/Word

    Hello I use a macro to save mail merged documents into word and PDF files; very handy. I must select all the rows above the row I need in the recipient list for it to work. If I only ticked "Sam" and left "Connor" and "Vincent" unticked, the macro will produce a "runtime error 5631" on...
  3. Rob_010101

    Mail merge with list numbers

    Hello, I am trying to create a mail merge spreadsheet which I can use to create employment contracts. Everyone in the company is on the same employment contract and the only difference is the notice period, as follows: Manager During your probationary period, your employment will be subject...
  4. A

    Need to create a merge document for each entry in word using excel

    Hi I have this document with all the students marks for a given term. The same can be accessed here What I am trying to figure out that if there is a way in...
  5. A

    Create a merge document for each entry in word using excel

    Hi I have this document with all the students marks for a given term. The same can be accessed here What I am trying to figure out that if there is a way in...
  6. L

    MailMerge Can't Find My File

    I need help with a file path not opening in a MailMerge I am trying to write. I copied this code from a YouTube video and after some research on the 5174 error "Sorry can't find your file? Was it removed,etc?" I added the line about replacing Chr(13) but I'm still getting the error at the line...
  7. R

    Mail merge to insert the picture in the mail body and schedule the email

    I have an excel sheet with all the details required and my requirement is to email customized birthday cards to staffs. I want the picture to be inserted in the outlook mail body rather than add as an attachment. The email should go on the birthday dates at the specified time. I have the...
  8. L

    Using INDEX...SMALL...IF...ROW and COUTNIF in order to match multiple peoples names to single email for mail marge

    Hi there, I have found some old posts on this topic but nothing that seems to solve my issue. I am using the below formula in order to pull a list of individuals names that have correspondence through the same email address. For example if Mr John Smith, Mrs Jane Smith and Miss Janet Smith are...
  9. R

    Word Mail Merge - Using specific tables in Excel rather than the whole worksheet

    Hi all, I've got a worksheet that's part of quite a large workbook to help organise events and contacts. I do about 18 events a year, so it's not practical to do them all on separate worksheets. I all the events in rounds - 3 rounds of 6 meetings. All the rounds in each meeting are side by...
  10. Rob_010101

    Odd Result from Code

    Wondering if someone can help me with the below code. I got made redundant from a company and saved this code for use in the new job. It worked at the previous place but now, oddly, it's saving PDFs with the file extension ".22" (a 22 File). Never seen this before.. The idea of the below is to...
  11. M

    Using Word Mail Merge to create Barcode sticker labels from Excel

    I am trying to generate printable stickers using Mail Merge from Data I have in Excel. The Data I have: Using Mail Merge it turns into this as the Font changes from Code 128 in Excel and into Calibri in Word: Ideally, I would like it to look like the first record automatically but I had to...
  12. F

    Merge Fields used in word document

    Hi, I have created a word mail merge template from data in an excel document, and I think I'm nearing the 256 column limit - so need to check what exactly I'm using and what (out of the 256 fields) I'm not currently using... What I'm after is some kind of macro that will allow me to open up...
  13. P

    Google Sheets - Addresses on one line

    Hi all, I'm working from Google Sheets, trying to mail merge the address... I'm wondering if there is anyway to take JUST the Street Address from Column D and put it in Column E below. We got data that had the whole address sans commas. We already have matching data for F through H (City...
  14. D

    Combining Data from Multiple Rows

    Good Morning, I am looking for a solution to quickly help fill rows based on their shared Value in Column D I have several group id (Column D) that I need to have go from this ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX1id_numlast_namefirst_nameGroupIDmobile_phoneemail_addressRoom 1 IDRoom 1 LRoom 1...
  15. D

    Compiling Data For Mail Merge

    Good Morning, I am looking for a solution to quickly help fill rows based on their shared Value in Column C I have several group id (Column C) that I need to have go from this To This Please let me know if you need more information
  16. P

    Export data from Excel to Word template and save output as *.doc usiung VBA

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet that is populated with data. Each column has a header and there can be many rows. I want to copy/export a selected row of data to a Word Template, Save the Word file as Filename.Doc Close trhe Word Application and then return to Excel (Command Button that calls...
  17. M

    Is there a way to run a mailmerge that merges multiple rows into a table based on a key field?

    I am trying to do a mail merge from an excel file that has multiple rows for each employee. Each row lists an application or process they are not qualified for. The data is provided in an excel document and currently we are copying and pasting it into a word document to then sending to...
  18. C

    Mail Merge not formatting correctly

    Have a quick question for the pros... I have a mail merge setup through VBA that has worked perfectly for quite some time now. The source word file (.docx) has a header that includes a seal, and for some reason the seal has failed to be on the output document. Only a place holder for it. This...
  19. A

    Mail merge with excel

    I use excel spreadsheets (xls, DDE) as the database for my mail merge in word. After the upgrade to Word 2016, the excel open a new file (Book2) automatically when I open the word file. The main problem is that when the new excel file (Book 2) was opened, all the previous entered data was not...
  20. R

    Dynamic Table in Mail Merge with different page for key attribute

    I have to prepare letter for students of different colleges. For each college, there should be one letter with name of all the students & their details in tabular format. The students data is in excel is as below: <style type="text/css"><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br...

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